Sometimes it can be really annoying when the client application loses focus and the mouse ungrabs, or you're typing in the chat and need to alt-tab somewhere else, but if you do all you've typed will be lost. I prefer to have to press escape to lose the focus instead of it happening automatically, so here's a quick hack to remove the code that detects focus loss from working:
(This hack uses the same procedures to unpack and repack as the nofog hack, so if you're not familiar with the process, head over there first to check it out)
v.30 Update! [World of Minecraft Client 1.7.5+]
Use a hex editor to open wom_linux/lib/minecraft/com/mojang/minecraft/l.class.
Search for this piece of code (at around offset 0005060):
19 04 b4 00 fc b6 02 1e
Replace with:
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Once you have finished, save and run the game.
If you do not see the minecraft folder inside wom_linux/lib that means you haven't launched the game yet.
To see a video of this process:
it does not seam to work i have a zip on my folder and i downloaed winzip and it dont work wat should i do ?????????????????????????
You can rename the minecraft.jar to then extract it, hex edit the files, recompress and rename back to minecraft.jar.
But honestly this is a fairly advanced procedure, if you're having problems at the unzipping stage, it's not too likely that you'll be able to do the rest of the operation.
If you have some friends that are computer savvy, it might be worthwhile outsourcing this operation.
- trids
Do you know how to even extract .zip files, or are you weird or something...
1: Download
2: Extract with WinRAR or WinZIP
3: Download minecraft.jar
4: Extract, place file in lib folder
5: Run run.bat file
SHA1 digest error for com/mojang/minecraft/k.class
after I repack into a .zip and change it back to a .jar
Not sure if it makes a difference, but that chain of code wasn't in the exact same place, mostly because my lines were longer, I guess...
If you get a SHA1 digest error, then you didn't follow the instructions in the linked no-fog hack for extracting and recompressing the minecraft.jar.
As per the instructions you need to remove the signature files from the META-INF folder.
Check out the instructions for details which files to remove.
Which hex editor did you use?
Sorry, I confused the two hacks and thought I was reading the no-fog hack for some reason.
I used GHex.
i went to the site and put the minecraft-server.jar in the World of Minecraft folder but it doesnt work. Where do you get the original minecraft.jar on the site. please help.
The file minecraft-server.jar is a different file.
For the new version, Replace x4e63 with "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00", in com/mojang/minecraft/l.class
Thanks for that tip! The main post should be updated.
EDIT: Actually, I just tried it, I can't seem to find x4e63 in l.class... I can't play Minecraft :(.
My little friend Java.Lang.NullPointerException decided to drop in, why is that? (I tried the update post suggestion and the original post, it's not working.) The string in the first post does not exist in either l.class or k.class. I tried the adress in the last post, and it failed.
I'm using the newest minecraft.jar and trying to apply the hack to it with GHex, and I can't seem the find either values that are stated in the starting post or Mizuho-chan's post. Am I doing something wrong or is this just something many people have trouble with?
Thanks in advance
I can never seem to find the values you are talking about. It tells me it is out of bounds when i try to search for it. Both in the no-fog and this hack... I am using Hex Workshop. Any tips on value searching?
tried this for hours
why you dont just upload the edited minecraft.jar to the site?
if anyone have a working minecraft.jar with working focus please send me a message
Because it is illegal. Notch said not to, and by law, we can't direct link (you click and you're there) or upload.
But you can still post a Broken link, with slash or file extension missing. Lol.
If you do it here, it will get removed, and if you try again, you'll be banned. Lol.
I did it in the Archive Manager, but I saved by overriding.
Если бы я знал, я бы постарался.
Afraid of evil cops? Noone actually cares, except for you. Also, there is no ban that can stop me from posting.

I really need this because MC stuffs up on Ubuntu, but when I search for 19 04 b4 00 fc b6 02 1e.
in l.class, no results show
Ok, I finally found it. It didn't show in a search. Now when I try run MC, terminal just opens then closes. I can copy what it says because it closes before I Can copy it.
The new file fails some sort of hash check now. What should I do?
Can someone post what line the string of code we need to change is on?
It's not the script I'm having issues with (in fact I am using that script you posted) whenever I (try to) join a server it gives me that error I posted in my thread that you locked. My suspicion is that there is a second string that is the same as the one posted by the OP and thats the one im editing. I could be wrong though.
Also I was referring to the actual minecraft.jar that has the edited l.class file.
EDIT: My OS is Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit
I cant seem to follow this one as i cant find the com folder after i unpack the jar
I searched the binary throughly, but can't seem to find the pointers you mentioned. Has the binaries changed?
i need some help with the repacking it into a .jar file, extracting worked, but i somehow dont know how to repack in linux.
I opened up that .jar file and all I got was thisThere was no com folder, and that was downloaded from the official site.
I opened up that .jar file and all I got was thisThere was no com folder, and that was downloaded from the official site.
well i cant get this to work, im using ubuntu 10.04. heres what happens i open the file as always but the terminal just flashes and it doesnt open, so i opened the terminal and opened the file from there and got this error:
how did you repack it?
i got it working last year but cant remember how i did it
edit: disregard that, i am a dumbass
I have beta, and the directory structure and file names do not correspond to what y'all put up here. But the lose focus issue remains.
Is there a fix for this on beta?
I fixed that now I get:
Fatal error:
Error launching World of Minecraft client:
java.lang.SecurityException: SHA1 digest error for com/mojang/minecraft/l.class
I need to know the URL???? how do I know it and what is it
So this is a problem with notch's .jar(or mint linux), will he himself ever address it, or is that out of the question? I'm not observant enough to find the right code unfortunately.
I think the issue is in the client, because when i go on with the standard login, I dont have the out of focus issue. It hampers building and using the World of Minecraft client, but only when I use the World of Minecraft client.(not sure if it is concidered bad forum etiquette to reply to my own post)
Okay, it is really not that hard. Actually, it's simple, and you can do it in less than 3 minutes.
For any of you who are not the sharpest at computer stuff, here is a step-by-step guide. Follow it close!
1. Go to Ubuntu Software Center, and search for GHex. In the results, there should be something called "Hex Editor". Install that.
2. When it's done installing, find your wom_linux folder (That's the default name, if you renamed it, i can't help you find it...)
3. Open the wom_linux folder, then the lib folder. Now you should see 3 jar files. Boot.jar, Minecraft.jar, and World of Minecraft.jar.
4. Right click on the minecraft.jar, and click "Open with archive manager" If you don't have an archive manager, download any of your choice.
5. Then open the folders, com>mojang>minecraft.
6. Scroll down until you find the file called l.class. (notice it's an L, not capital i or the number one)
7. Drag that file to your desktop, and keep the folder open. Delete the l.class INSIDE THE FOLDER ONLY, and i repeat, INSIDE THE FOLDER ONLY.
Now right click on the l.class you have on your desktop, and click "Open with"
8. Select the "Hex Editor"
9. You should now see ALOT of numbers, lying around. We want GHex to point out the numbers we wanna edit, so go to Edit>Find.
10. Now a new windows will appear. Click the largest white box in the new window. This will make a blue-marked zero come up. Then type in exactly the number written here; 19 04 b4 00 fc b6 02 1e (Notice the last one is the number one, and then E, not L and E)
11. Now click find next, and it shoudl find the numbers in the first window. They will be marked with blue, or another color. The first number in the marked area, will be marked with a darker color. This means it's selected, and ready to be edited. Now replace all the numbers that are marked, with 0. (One 0 per number!!!)
12. Now click File>Save. This will only save to the file on the desktop.
13. We're almost done! Go to the minecraft folder (Minecraft.jar>com>mojang>minecraft) And drag the l.class from your desktop into the folder. Now you've hacked your game to work.
14. But, if you try to just launch it now, nothing will happen. there's one small step left. Go up 3 folders until your in the Minecraft.jar again. Then go to META-INF and delete the 2 files ending with .DSA and .SF
Hope this helped you, it did work for me. ALL credit goes to triddin, only thing i did was to make it more simple for people who didn't udnerstand. Happy Minecrafting!
in my experience these directions are slightly wrong, unless i misunderstood them.
i got that from the directions in the video :)
Dosn't work.
Doesn't work.
Does not work for 1.7.5.
Indeed it does not D:
I have updated this again to now work with the latest World of Minecraft Clients 1.7.5+
This will be incorporated into our clients soon to avoid having to do this manually.
I tried this but i can't find these numbers.. Pls help me :(
Ok, found the numbers, edited them and now it works, thank you all :)
sweet thanks
Before the fix I could press enter but not after it :( Any help?
When I did what the video said, it gave me this error when I clicked on a server:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: (class: com/mojang/minecraft/l, run signature: ()V) Illegal content pool index
at com.mojang.minecraft.MinecraftApplet.init(Unknown Source)
at com.World of Minecraft.WomApplet.init(
at com.World of of
at com.World of Minecraft.Boot.main(
This is really helpful. Thanks!
I can't find the hex code you described, i searched both I and L with no luck. I'm using Bliss Hex Editor. Please help!
is it because im on the newest one?
is it because im on the newest one?
I also confirm this does not work with v2.0.5, linux.
When you left or right click it opens the menu.
It is VERY annoying.
It worked when I did it on v1.5.x.
Somebody please fix this.
Why does life have to be so confusing?!
Just wanted to thank you and report this worked flawlessly first time on v2.0.6 on Linux Mint 12 using gHex.
Since people are having issues, I've gone ahead and uploaded the edited version for v2.0.6.
Of course, it will go in your folder:
Don't forget to uncompress it.
Hope that helps, thanks to the World of Minecraft team. Cheers
Something is wrong with your file. It cant be opened with tar -xzvf.
I succeded following the first post (have ubuntu oneiric), thx to triddin.
Wierd, yeah looks like the file has gone corrupt. Not even sure why I tar'd it anyways. Here's another link to just the class file.
I hope it works out for you
Can't seem to get it to work. I am running the current version of World of Minecraft but whether I change the file myself according to the current post or use anatagonistxx's file it gives me the same thing:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassFormatError: Incompatible magic value 1013084704 in class file com/mojang/minecraft/l
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at com.World of of
at com.World of Minecraft.Boot.main(
After that it just stops and won't boot. Can I get help on this?
Still can't get it to work here...
Could this patch be included in further edits of the World of Minecraft Client for linux.. It is rather annoying to have to do this all by hand and have it fail multiple times...
*Subject says it all*
tar (child): WoMClient-x-x-x.tar.bzip2: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now\
Why isn`t it working?
WoM Coins: 13