Here are the basic commands listed for each of World of Minecraft's servers listed below!
/sethome <name> | Will set your home to where ever you are standing (You can set two). |
/home <name> | Will teleport you to your home. |
/delhome <name> | Deletes the home with that name. |
/afk | Will set you as away and prevents you from being moved around. |
/m <user> <msg> | Sends a private message to <user> with <msg> |
/r <msg> | Replies to the last person who send you a message |
/list | Will list all the players currently on the server. |
/tpa <name> | Will ask <user> if you can teleport to them and you will teleport on accept. |
/tpahere <user> | Opposite of /tpa; Will ask <user> to teleport to you and will teleport on accept. |
/tpaccept | Will accept the latest teleport request sent to you. |
/tpdeny | Will reject the latest teleport request sent to you. |
/tpcancel | Will cancel the latest teleport request by you. |
/tptoggle | Will toggle if users are allowed to send a tpa request to you. |
/warp <name> | Will teleport you to a set position with that name. |
/spawn | Will teleport you to the spawn point. |
/mail read | Read mail that has been sent to you. |
/mail clear | Clears your whole inbox. |
/mail send <user> <msg> | Send a message to <user> with the message <msg>. |
/money, /balance | Displays your current balance. |
/worth <item> | Displays the value of the item in your hand or <item>. |
/sell hand | Sells the item that is currently in your hand. |
/sell <blockid> <amount> | Sells items you have with the blockid and amount specified. |
/pay <user> <amount> | Pays <user> with <amount> of money. |
/trust <user> | Allow <user> to build on your claimed land. |
/untrust <user> | Denies <user> to build on your claimed land. <user> can be replaced with all. |
/trustlist | Lists the permissions for the claimed land you're standing in. |
/accesstrust <user> | Gives <user> permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds. |
/containertrust <user> | Gives <user> permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals. |
/permissiontrust <user> | Grants <user> permission to share their permission level with others. |
/subdivideclaims | Switches your shovel to subdivision mode, so you can subdivide your claims. |
/buyclaimblocks <amount> | Lets you buy more protection blocks. |
/abandonclaim | If you are standing in claimed land when you execute this command, it will remove the claim.If you are standing in a sub divided claim, it will only remove that. |
/abandontoplevelclaim | This will remove the claim and any sub divided claims within that claim. |
/abandonallclaims | Removes all claimed land from you. |
/slap <user> | Slaps <user> (Costs $5). |
/fail <user> | Announces <user> fails (Costs $5). |
/hug <user> | Hugs <user> (Costs $5). |
/me <msg> | Used to speak about yourself. "/me hugs Jak" = "Lunick hugs Jak" |
PvP (Coming Soon ™)
CMP (Coming Soon ™)
If there is anything I have missed or you are uncertain about, please comment below :)
Done Combz.
This isn't for staff, we have a private Staff Wiki.
Took the empty one out.
There's also /tell
It functions exactly the same as /m. Maybe we should add it to the list too
What about /me under fun?
Added /tell and /me.
I thoutht it was /tpdeny not /tpreject ?
/delhome <name>
Is for Member players
Not staff will sometime...
Okay stick this! its helps alot!
/list- Lists all online players
/msg, /w, /t, /emsg, /etell, /whisper and /ewhisper - Same as /tell and /m
Found those while digging around commands
Theres a billion of aliases for List too, like /playerlist, and /who
don't forget about /facepalm and /gamble
Lunick can update it.
Wake me up when the long list is fully completed... Zzzzz
I thoutht it was /tpdeny not /tpreject ?
That's probably the shortcut to it.
don't forget about /facepalm and /gamble
Gamble isn't on the server.
I'm also not going to list every single shortcut a command has. If you find one, you can tell others or keep it to yourself.
Grime thats me on one of the beds xD :D
deny is the thing I've always seen it say when the request popped up, so I thought that's the only one that it was you could use.
Hay there you are. Cool picture hay. See ya in game soon. : )
Grimeton Is that your massage chair?
i dont have purchase minecraft and i want so much to come to this server.
As i read its amazing and has PVP , Crative , Survival Etc. worlds ! its amazing but im not allowed to purchase minecraft parents not allow me :( .
.../ Failed to login:Null
Ffirstly, this it not the place to write that, you should have gone to the General discussions, but your new here so guess that can't be help.
Secondly, Yes your right. World of Minecraft is amazing. So, your not allowed to... Well how about you save up you pocket money and maybe one of your friends can help you with that.
Really? >.>
secret command ;) have fun wasten your time trying to see if its real :D
Is there any way to get more than two homes (economy or IRL money, for example)?
no only 2 set home locations
What you get is what you get. You can not pay for anything with real money.
You can not pay for anything with real money.
Woah woah woah. Lets not be hasty here. I take cash. I'll be glad to set a third home for him as soon as one hundred U.S Dollars arrive at my house.
keep wishing
Do you use PayPal jupiter?
those cammands are cool man
Pleqase do not bump old topics unless if you have a reason. If you wish to make yourself known to the community please make an introductory post.
Pleqase do not bump old topics unless if you have a reason. If you wish to make yourself known to the community please make an introductory post.
Bumping old topics without contributing anything useful pushes down the other active topics in the topic list, so please don't bump without reason. ^^
These commands should be very sticky somewhere
I was wondering if there can be a command for making buttons and stuff public to all so people can claim mob grinders and make its public without risk of greifing, it can also be used in several other cases.
/accesstrust public will make all buttons / levers / doors in the claim or subdivision public.
lockette on dooes should override this so if you have a door with a lockette sign on in a public trust people won't be able to open it unless specified on the sign.
are hacks allowed
No, hacks are not allowed.
Just type /lobby
Yeah,this is cool and all but,How do i download the actual minecraft game?
You buy it a and then click download.
Can someone please help me. I cant get my server to work and I cant figure out how to connect to a server so I can play multiplayer. It cant really be this hard to play or noone would be playing. I just need simple steps on where to go and what to click to play. I have been trying for three days to set up my own server and I am so frustrated I could scream!! I have tried to get my java path set to no avail, I have tried to get the server to launch to no avail, so I figured I would use a server on World of Minecraft and I cant even get that to work. PLEASE help, I'm feeling really stupid!!
where do I type \lobby??
LUNICK!!!!!!!!!! long time no see
Type /lobby when you're in a server and want to get back to our server lobby. Do this by pressing the T button to open up chat.
WoM Coins: 784
What about the /abandonallclaim and stuff relating to claims?