World of Minecraft's Official Guide on Segways
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Not to be confused with the word segue, a Segway is a two wheeled, battery powered vehicle designed for short trips such as going to the store or a motor-assisted walk through the park. The act of using a Segway is called "gliding" (according to the Segway website. I have never heard anyone call it gliding. I've also never seen one IRL).

According to the official Segway website, the act of gliding "feels like nothing you've ever experienced". However, this shows otherwise.

Segways were intended for covering relatively small amounts of land, compared to cars. Segways have nowhere near the speed that a car (at best, it travels a horrifying 12.5 mph or 20 kph) but Segways are smaller and 11 times more efficient than cars and give off no emissions. There are also some places where it is inappropriate to put your car.

Segways are many things, but here's a quick list of things they aren't:

1. A car

A common misconception. Segways are vehicles, but they are not cars.


2. A child having an identity crisis

Or at least, Segways are not this specific child.


3. The game Twister

Segways are also not Monopoly. Stop asking.


4. A twister

Or as normal people call them: "tornadoes".


5. Salad

Segways are not salad. They may or may not be women, though.


6. The Companion Cube

Unlike Companion Cubes, however, Segways can survive being thrown into incinerators. Unfortunately, Segways don't love you and only thinks of you as a friend.


7. Whatever this is

Looks pretty lame.


8. Doge


Well, looks like that's all! If I didn't mention something here, it's probably a Segway. Except for trees. I couldn't find a picture of one of those, but those aren't Segways either. Everything else is though, I think. 

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... I think I'm a Segway.

WoM Member: 337746
WoM Coins: 696
Is this a segway?

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Possibly. Does it taste like a Segway?

WoM Member
WoM Member: 601987
WoM Coins: 49
Well memed, my friend.

Well memed, my friend.

WoM Member: 466061
WoM Coins: 772
I still don't understand

How does a segway think?

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WoM Member: 677926
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sam 86314
WoM Member: 568383
WoM Coins: 450
Slacky = Segway?

Is Slacky a segway, or are segways Slacky?

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Slacky is segue powered.

WoM Member: 4014
WoM Coins: 534
Does this perticular object have anything to do in common?

Nintendo 64 (commonly abbreviated N64) was the third video game console released by Nintendo. It was released in 1996 and was meant to compete against the Sony PlayStation and the Sega Saturn. The Nintendo 64 was Nintendo's first console made for 3D graphics. It uses plastic cartridges instead of CDs or disks, making load times faster. Because of this, the games cost more to make. The controller for the Nintendo 64 was shaped like an "M" and had 10 buttons and a joystick. Sony used the N64 joystick design to make their DualShock PlayStation controller. Out of the box, the Nintendo 64 had 4 MB of RAM, and it could be upgraded to 8 MB with the expansion pak.

Because making games for the Nintendo 64 was more expensive than making games for the PlayStation, many video game companies did not make games for the N64. They made them for the PlayStation and PlayStation 2 instead. Nintendo also did not like games that had a lot of blood or violence in them. Companies who made these kinds of games made them for the PlayStation instead. However, some game makers did make some violent games for the Nintendo 64, such as Rare's first-person shooter Perfect Dark. Nintendo lost its lead over Sega and Sony because of these two things.