Welcome to HitCraft
(Minecraft Server Hosting)
Purchase your minecraft server here!
HitCraft specialise in providing competitive minecraft server hosting packages. Our servers have an average of 99.98% uptime which brings you the best so you don't have to put up with downtime. We offer 24/7 Live support and also a ticket system which each ticket normally gets answered within about 12 hours or less.
Our Infrastructure:
Fully Dedicated Servers (We Don’t Share Them With Other People)
Facility Staffed 24/7 365 – 4HR Emergency Response Time
RAID Protected Hard Drive Disk’s
2 x Xeon E5620 2.4Ggz
96GB DDR3 ECC Registered RAM
CentOS 6.2 Based
MySQL Backed
Instant Setup
You get full access/control to your server (Start/Stop/Restart/Add-Remove-Edit Plugins and more)
Full FTP Access (We offer a built in FTP Manage or you can use your own ftp client like filezilla)
User .Jar Selection (You can switch to vanilla / Craftbukkit / Craftbukkit Beta)
Optional Dedicated IP (For plugins, default IP, ect)
Multicraft Control Panel
Tekkit, Vanilla, Bukkit Supported Servers (Create a ticket requesting you would like to change your server to tekkit)
No Lagg/No Hassle
If you need further information or would like to contact us you can via either going on to our live chat support on our website @ http://www.hitcraft.co.uk/ or contact us viahttp://www.hitcraft....ent/contact.php
Or if you like you can email us: eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%73%75%70%70%6f%72%74%40%68%69%74%63%72%61%66%74%2e%63%6f%2e%75%6b%22%3e%73%75%70%70%6f%72%74%40%68%69%74%63%72%61%66%74%2e%63%6f%2e%75%6b%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b'))