Hey I have my own server but I dont know how to make myself admin? I put my name in the admins.txt but im still not able to /ban etc please help
it working now ty :)
How do i be admin of my server? I put my name in the admin.txt and players.txt too? and it still is it wroking?????
help me plz...
Can you help me?
look at what IP posted
put your name in admins.txt and in players.txt
I've done the players.txt and admins.txt however for some reason when i visit my server my name on the players.txt goes from FrancisPerrin to francisperrin could that be why I am not an admin on my own server? and if it is, any guesses how to stop it?
i have had the same problem! i've done everything i can think of, so what am i missing?
i think this might also work
1. boot the server
2. go into the console (black window)
3. type in /op <YOURUSERNAME>
4. join the server and try out a admin command if you cannot use it then re-do step 2 and step 3 if done that try doing a admin command if this does not works still then im out of clues
THIS WORKS FOR VANNILA SERVER SOFTWARE ONLY (exept it works on servers where you can enter commands from the console i suggest saying wich software you use then)
WoM Coins: 18
Did you also place your names in the players.txt?