Installing textures easily!

where is the download?
i haz no idea XD
you right click on the top pic, then you click save picture as then save it in the folder where you put texture packs (google it)
how did you do that
The terrain.png is the first image posted...
Where is the download?
Yes it does, you're just really stupid...
I'm not stupid and I have no idea how to do it :C
Simply get the client. MUCH easier, just put the terrain.png (the picture with all the blox) in the skin folder. Start it up and hey, you've got Super MarioCraft!
They're stupid? You're the one who put it on imageshack. Why would you do that? Lol, imageshack is terrible.
I havent used it yet, but the pics are awsaume. thanks for making it
Little update.

Ok, another update, and probably the final version for Creative. I might make an indev version.

When I was on your world with the normal texture, it looked odd. Now when i see it with the texture, it looks amazing!
haha, thanks.
how do you donload
I think that Mario set is amazing. Well Done :D
I really, REALLY like this! Very nice! PS: you forgot the trees.
PPS: To those who can't install this, if you have ver. 1.4+, then you just open your folder which contains your lib, native, and skin folders, and your run.exe; open your lib folder, then open the 'minecraft' file using 7zip or winrar, then right-click this picture and click 'Save Image As...', name it 'terrain' (I suggest saving it to your Desktop), and replace the terrain.png with the terrain.png on your Desktop. Done!
i have been trying very hard to find the download link for this where is it!!!
please post the download link it looks so nice
wo ist den jetz der download
That's beast. Love it :D
i need help because...
i dont know how to edit the block icons
my questions:
do you use paint?
plz reply
what does it change the animals to
why download taht not
put a download link and how did you put the texture on multiplayer
The awesomest texture pack ever.
Omg, Wow. Nice work man,
I put it in the skin folder in the client, but its not working... what am i doing wrong?
i downloaded and bought the game a few weeks ago, but i dont have creative mode. there is only single player and multiplayer.
I mention this here because i tried to down load the texture pack, and the instructions located here show files and info that are not on my computer, if they are i have no idea how to access them. I am using Vista, if that can help someone to let me know what i need to do.
Okay. Firstly, the World of Minecraft client wrapper (the thing that lets you fly) needs to be downloaded. If it is already, you open up the file and open up another one called "Skins". Then you place this photo of the terrains in there.
How can we use the new built-in texture pack update in Minecraft to put this in?
Click the open texture folder, and hey presto, drag a zip file of the theme/texture in there and there you go :). I personally use a painterly theme but that is one cool theme
Due to the new update of which minecraft.jar is no longer available, can you, or someone upload this like all the rest of the packs? I really want to use this.
is there a watch and what is it
Why would he save the file as a picture which confuses everyone because anyone new woudl think its just a picture. It also doesnt work as it is actually just a picture -_-.
There is no download link. It would be pleasent if there was.
Very epic texture pack. Thanks. Installed it and had a blast from the past.
this looks awsome i want it!
dats so cool ^_^
where is the download link?
I cant find the doanlaoad thing :(
Where is the download link
Cool but where do i download it?
Download link pl0x.
What the gay monkeys is this this aint minecraft!!!!! This is THE BEST THING EVER AND I DONT NOW WHERE THE TOILET IS but This is mario COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
I just had to laugh at the conversation going on in the first picture XD
I'm a huge Mario fan and I love this texture pack but you need to make Mario suit armor and pictures to hang on the wall.
It really brings me back to the old days
This look cool but theres no download link..
This look cool but theres no download link..
How the hell do you download it. It has no download link. :(
WoM Coins: 0
I really like how you did that. I thought that it was kinda boring when i saw it with regular texture pack but its epic with the texture pack you made. Good job :-p