Installing textures easily!
Hi, I recently saw some guys with there own skin.
Im just wondering how you make your own skin...
how do you get new skins like i know you have to buy the game to make your on skins but can you get different skins (not default skin)
firefox(or whatever your browser is)>>Buy now>Thanks for buying message>prefereces>start with the standard skin>right click> save as>save it on whatever place you want it>paint(or whatever you use for editing pictures>open>char.png(located in the place you saved it>edit>>preferences>upload your skin>DONE
im maybe not clear but this COULD help xD
guys help me a cant change my skin help give me a skin to download HHHHEEEELLLLPPPP!!!! the post above yours..if that doesnt help read all the posts above that one...if your too dumb to read them then just read my post..
1. You need to have bought the game
2. you need to go to the prefrences section on the minecraft site to change your skin
3. on the minecraft forums theres a skin section were you can download skins
how do i change my skin guys?
paul, please shut up
i seem to have trouble editing with paint
If you are having problems with glass or plants not being transparent, use a different image editor such as GIMP or Paint does not support opacity.
i recommend a new way to edit your skins
download MCskinedit from the minecraft forums
its easy to use and very handly
and it supports transparancy
yay :D
I think there will be people who are too lazy to search for SkinEdit, so here's a link.
There you can find the download (even earlier versions) and detailed instructions. I tried it and it is really helpful - you even have a realtime 3D preview and all the features you will need most, even some effects.
Some people say that it undermines the importance of experienced skinners, but it is very helpful for new users so they dont have to bother asking how to make skins any longer.
how do i make my own skin
What you can do is get MCSkinedit so just go to and type "mcskinedit free"
all you have to do is get the minecraft texture switcher
How to get the minecraft texture switcher?
What program I need to open that MCskineditor??
3 people are not smart enough to know the fact that READ THE POST BEFORE YOU COMMENT
hahahaha, yep
do you NEED to buy minecraft?because i don't have that kind of money right now... nvm
Yes shadowkit one of the features of alpha is customizable skins you need to have a alpha account in order to change your skin.
Ok shadow go get a skin name it char then go to Appdata>.Minecraft>Bin>Right click minecraft exicutable Jar file select open with Winrar then find the folder called Mob then take the skin u have and put it in the folder Next Bingo u have tht skin k
Is there anyway of using a skin you made or got for single player?
well, $15 out of my pocket for the game but worth it for the skins, i hate being default, time to start making me a ninja skin :)
go on youtube and tipe in how to make minecraft skines fro free
The site I found good for skins was
actually i found a way to chang the skin
even if you didnt buy the game
i can't find out how to download minecraft skin editor. it is pissing me off.
idk how to download it but i want to!!
Look here under Programs and Editors for a skin creator. (It is currantly closed from a 502 Bad Gateway Error)
i just download it they have 11110000000000 times
Just download the World of Minecraft game client open up the World of Minecraft game cilent's folder and open up skins paste your skin in there load up World of Minecraft choose a server i think it will work.
Hi!Do this steps, and you arent dumb the others are dumb becuase they didnt explain well detailed and completely...
1.You can change your skin without buying the game!
But you need to know about your minecraft jar and change the steve skin (default skin) into the skin you want to look like (Before that delete a folder called META-INF).
2.If you buy the game its easier to put your skin...
3.Get a skin editor its simpler than using a painting program...(search on google about SkingEditor)
4.You can also download skins in some pages.
5.When you have the skin you want to use (you can only do this if you buyed the game) go to minecraft login go to profile after log and down must be a white bar in the side says browse clic browse and search the skin on your pc then upload it.
You will see its simpler than it looks if you choose number 2...
I still cant believe people in World of Minecraft didnt say anything of putting skins without buying the game.Seems that ignorance is really present.
If this helped you please tell me any help you need i can help you...
Hi!Do this steps, and you arent dumb the others are dumb becuase they didnt explain well detailed and completely...Reponses:
1.You can change your skin without buying the game!
you need to know about your minecraft jar and change the steve skin
(default skin) into the skin you want to look like (Before that delete a
folder called META-INF).
2.If you buy the game its easier to put your skin...
3.Get a skin editor its simpler than using a painting program...(search on google about SkingEditor)
4.You can also download skins in some pages.
you have the skin you want to use (you can only do this if you buyed
the game) go to minecraft login go to profile after log and down must be
a white bar in the side says browse clic browse and search the skin on
your pc then upload it.
You will see its simpler than it looks if you choose number 2...
still cant believe people in World of Minecraft didnt say anything of putting skins
without buying the game.Seems that ignorance is really present.
If this helped you please tell me any help you need i can help you...
sorry for posting 2 times the same this posting is different i was searching for a button or somethign saying post reply
there was only save preview
WoM Coins: -3
Well for one thing you need to buy the game. Then you're allowed to change your skin. You simply go to the site and upload it there.
Second, you need to actually have the image of the skin. Your entire skin is just one 64x32 PNG image.

Here's an example:
This is a Headcrab Zombie skin. Does this answer your question?