Tier 23 - Community Gamers
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Okay, so here's the deal. When you are competing in gaming, or a YouTube commentator. There is definitely what I would call a "Experience Barrier". As far as competing, you have the REALLY good players that have been gaming for years now and have so many more hours in that they have gained more experience. As far as YouTube Commentating, it goes the same way. The people who have been doing it from the start are obviously going to be better. Right? So the way you fix it is by splitting the people up. You can't get better at a game if you're being completely dominated every single game by someone who is clearly better than you. My solution for splitting the people up is by "Tiers". Each person would play for a little while and get a ranking of some sort. Then they would be assigned to a Tier. You would be able to change Tiers based on skill level, that way you are constantly competing with people on your level and gradually improving.

As far as the YouTube commentating, it would work in a similar fashion. You would have a Tier based on Subscribers, and participation in Forums and on the website. Inside of your Tier, you'd have people to help you and be able to help them and work as almost a team. Because if you are currently a YouTube commentator trying to gain Subscribers, you know it's a pain. Imagine having a small group of people with the same ambitions as you willing to help?

If this sounds like something you are interested in, please feel free to make an account on the site and start meeting people. The Tier System is currently under construction so it may be a few weeks before anything is assigned. But please be patient with us.

Again, thank you to Everyone who reads this and joins. I'm not trying to start some weird cult thing and say stuff like "You're with us or against us!". I just want to accomplish my dreams, and I think there are people like me out there.

Simteq <3