Latest WoM Status

- MrSnowGlobe & H4X are still involved in the Community despite old posts below
- Gameserver is online (SMP)
- We have a Discord server, you're welcome to join us
- Website is in a somewhat archived state and a refresh is in the works

The Server and Forum Rules.

The World of Minecraft rules

Herein are the World of Minecraft forum and server network rules, as set (and revised when needed) by the World of Minecraft staff. These rules are subject to change without warning, and it is up to the discretion of the user to make sure they are fully aware of all rules at all times.

[Archive] World of Minecraft game servers official notice

Edit: Gameserver online, see top post

Hi everyone,

Thought I would drop some official word on the future of World of Minecraft game servers.

As you all know, my vision since opening the doors in 2009 was to provide a 100% free gaming experience for minecraft players with an awesome community and have continued to do so for the whole time.

At this time, the game servers are shutdown and won't be returning for the foreseeable future. This is mainly due to myself having zero time to maintain and evolve the World of Minecraft gaming experience.

[Archive] I'm Stepping down

It is with mixed emotion that I formally step down from World of Minecraft as General Manager. Spudsrus is stepping up to the roll and will spend the next 15 days transitioning to it.

I will still be around as an off-sider to assist Spudsrus in all aspects and to work on NEXUS

Thankyou all for trusting me these past 4 and a half years with World of Minecraft. It has truly been an amazing journey, one I will always hold dearly.


P.S If you want to stay in touch, you can find me on:
Discord - MrSnowGlobe#4718
Skype - MrSnowGlobe
Steam - MrSnowGlobe

[Archive] A Message from MrSnowGlobe

Hello Everyone!

I feel like I need to apologise for the lack of... well anything the past few months. I've personally been on quite an emotional rollercoaster and been stuck in a bit of a rut. I'm trying to get back into working on World of Minecraft stuff slowly but it's still a bit of a struggle.

We have always had a grand plan involving NEXUS and what comes after it. I fully intend to see it through but I ask for your patience while we get oil the engine and get the development machine moving again.

Thanks for sticking with us during the quiet times <3

[Archive] NEXUS Open Beta

(The following is going to be all about NEXUS… we still love you SMP <3)

Well guys, after almost a year in development, NEXUS is finally ready for all to see!

For those of you who don’t know what NEXUS is… stop living under that rock of yours.

But seriously! NEXUS is a one-of-a-kind minecraft creative experience which borrows some attributes from a classic server we hosted a few years ago; World of Minecraft Realms.

So, Open Beta! Here’s what you can expect: