Is 1.5.2 compatible with SMP at the time? If not, when would you estimate it will be?
We need to wait for
We need to wait for everything to update, and then Snow needs to put it together
Basically we can't do a thing before the plugin/bukkit/whatever developers update their things.
For now, you can use this link from Minecraft's website to download a 1.5.1 Minecraft.jar file
Just wanted to make sure before I pressed the update button.
I'm going to update :D I'll
I'm going to update :D I'll go to 1.5.1 later
Since this wasn't a major update, and really just fixed 5 or 6 minor bugs, it should not take the server any time at all to update.
ETA :12 hours
12 hours
Buisiness hours?
Can we expect it tomorrow morning, or tomorrow night?
WoM Coins: 6608
No idea on timings from me :P