my granddaughter is new to X-box live and loves Mindcraft she is looking for friends to play online with her x-box player name is Emilyen1 ....please rememer she is only 7 and ONLY looking for friends around her own age...thank you
I'm glad to see no one has posted anything rude so far =D I agree with sam3, post the same request on more forums because not many children play Minecraft, youngest I've seen play Mincraft was 10. Good luck! =)
The youngest I've seen on Minecraft is probably 7. It'll be hard finding a server of players that are *only* around her age, but good luck. (:
Erm, Maybe just post on random forums like those guys said, To be honest, not hardly anyone plays minecraft if they are under 10-13 and a lot of people cuss and say profanity on many if not all the servers. And lastly, there are a lot of trolls on xbox so I recommend only playing with trustful people.
Im 10 so I can probs play with you when I get a xbox :) DONT WORRY I aint a pedo :P (Or AM I DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN)
WoM Coins: 794
A lot of minecrafters are 12 or over. You would get a better chance of finding a 7 year old by posting on a lot of forums. Hope this helps, good luck.