Alcatraz Prison Server!- Brand New [24/7] 100% Uptime
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As you start Fresh Off the Ship Landing on Alcatraz Prison Island. Alcatraz Island is located in the San Francisco Bay, 1.5 miles Off shore and Is commonly know as the prison the held Al Capone. The Notorious Gangster.

The Ranks, You Start Off Fresh blood, Working your way up to the top, Mining And selling your materials To the server Shop for other members to buy,
One you have enough money you can do /Buyrank and you will rank up to the Next Rank.

Rank D:
Includes an Iron mine, Huge Cell block to Explore with friends, And PvP!

Rank C:
Everything from Cell Block D, Plus you get cell block C, Which Is a Whole New mining Area that Includes Gold! Along with A whole new pvp Area And Shop!

Rank B: Everything From Cell block D and C, Diamond Mining Area, New pvp Area, New shop and new cells To explore with friends!

Rank A: Respect from all groups, Diamond and Emerald Mine, New set of cells to explore!

Free: You leave Alcatraz Isalnd Forever Making your way off to start a new life!


Please, Feel Free To join Anytime you Please! 

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WoM Member: 613985
WoM Coins: 3
