The Arcania Server Spawn: Front of spawn^^
Side of spawn^^
Diagnal view^^
To get free diamonds look at the bottom of the post!
Join The Retarded Chicken server today. It's a survival server with an economy and friendly staff! Now including VIP packages. We are fully VPS'ed and run 24/7 and donations keep us running! We are open to suggestions for new plugins
We Are all about PvP and Raiding, and are always considerate and nice to our players. We have 30 slots and 2 gigabytes of dedicated ram! However, to keep the server up we need you to donate.
To become staff, post this application below. We need trustworthy admins and moderators.
(yes or no, if yes send it to me in game)
Position wanted:
experience with MC:
experience as server staff:
past servers:
banned ever? why?
anything else I should know:
Currently we have 5 Donating packages.
Stone Miner's Pack Donate $5 Receive Full diamond armor and tools in game as well as 5000 dollars in game money. You are awesome. Iron Miner's Pack Donate $10 Receive full diamond armor that is enchanted protection level 2 and full diamond tools with 32 tnt as well as 10000 in game money. You are paying for half the monthly cost! Gold Miner's Pack Donate $15 Receive full diamond armor enchanted with level 4 protection as well as these enchanted tools diamond sword:sharpness 4, smite 4 Pickaxe:efficiency 4 Shovel:efficiency 4 Axe: efficiency 4 Bow: power 4 64 TNT 20 Experience level As well as 15000 in game money. You practically own the server! Diamond Miner's Pack Donate $20 Receive All enchanted armor level 5 protection all enchanted weapons and tools 64 TNT 100 Experience level As well as 20000 in game money You just payed for our server Obsidian Miner's Pack Donate $30 or more Receive All enchanted tools 3000000 in game money You just payed for our server this month and atleast half of next month! You are awesome! So join today! Post your IGN Below for 3 diamonds in game!