Go home anti-xray, you're drunk! Lol found this a bit ago this morning.
If we had x-ray off all of us would abuse the mining experience.
Is there any other way to stop xray without using this crappy anti xray or fix it so it doesn't do the fake blocks?
We did have x-ray off? So I don't know how that would abuse the mining experience?
The anti-X-Ray is annoying as hell... U can't even mine without every other block showing some fake blocks... They wanna have that on ... that's fine but does it have to be every block u mine at some points I was missing items cause I thought it was fake... Not everyone cheats... What's the point of playing if your gonna cheat... I'm one that I go mining for hours but after mining for like an hour I quit case the anti X-Ray was just out of control...
Lol I'm sure that the staff know of the anti-xray issues...this was ment to be a joke..so laugh :D
mrsnowglobe himself said he's working on tweaking the anti-xray program. I must say though; It would be rather humerous to see a mine like this.
The anti x-ray is a core part of SMP. I'm still tweaking it over the course of early access to find a sweet spot for it.
@bunny anti X-ray has always been around.
WoM Coins: 40
I agree the anti-xray is annoying :( When we had it before it was never ever block. Rather just have it off so much better.