Bunch'a skins.
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Installing textures easily!
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Well, I've noticed that it is quite hard to find actual packs of skins. So I decided to post all the skins that I have lying around. I will be uploading skins that I have as I make them. Also, the skins from skin requests that I answered are also here purely because I don't want to end up doing 12 super-mans or something like that.(In case you don't know how to apply the skin(s), download the skin(s) from this, then go to www.minecraft.net, then click on "preferences" at the top, then click on "choose file", then select the skin from wherever you downloaded it to, then click "upload image".) -- Anyone know how to post pictures? I really need to know... or else I can only have 1 skin on at a time. ):

Bandoleer man -- A shirtless dude with a black bandoleer, brown pants, and red band around his head. great for Survival Mode.