Cool Trick.
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    Hello! Today I'm going to tell you how to build an interesting little contraption in Minecraft. At the end it should end up like this. Remove a secret ladder, triggering an underground stream. This stream will smother a torch, which is holding up a pile of sand. The sand will fall revealing a secret switch. You then trigger said switch. I know what your thinking: " Well won't people be able to just go in the door after I do?"

NO! This is like, my favorite part. You trigger a door, BEHIND a painting! you can walk through the painting and be on your marry way to an underground base of yours!
Also, to distract my friends, I built a pillar of dirt. 3x3 and 6 blocks high. I then dug out the spot my door wood eventually be. Then I put paintings until one was big enough to cover the gap.
NOTE: If your playing on a server with some clever friends, make sure you get to the server before they do! If not, tell them to go collect some bamboo, or something to distract them.
bucket of water
red stone
NOTE: I suggest you take a lot of dirt and sand.
    First, build a little a cube. It should be 5 blocks tall, 5 blocks wide, and 5 blocks long. on the 5 blocks wide part, dig a hole in the bottom middle one. Dig 2 in. But, for this part, you need to dig 2 in on the square right above it. This is where th pick and torches come in handy. Also, for this part you have to know where you are. Once you've gone far enough (distance is YOUR choice) dig up. If you to far down, I'd suggest putting dirt block underneath you while you jump. Once you reach the day or night, destroy the rest of the dirt blocks underneath you. At the bottom of said hole put a torch. For good measure, dig 2 blocks below the torch. Now you dig your way up. Go back to your dirt cube you made earlier. Fill in the higher 2 holes. Then on the very first square down into your hole, put a ladder. 
NOTE: If you didn't already know, water can't pass ladders. This may come in handy, with some of your other projects.
    Now on the back square put some water in. It should flow over the ladder, but not past it. Go find the hole you made earlier and fill it with sand. It wont go to the very bottom because you put a torch there earlier. Once you fill in the hole to the top, STOP. Right behind the hole build a 3x3x3 Cube. Go to the side of the cube with your
hole. Above the hole, dig out 1 square. In that hole, place a switch. Then cover the entire side. Now, go build a pillar of paintings ( if you don't know how, go back up to the first paragraph). Behind your door, can either be a tunnel to a base, or a base.
Lastly make an underground red stone trail leading to your door. Now for the test! Go remove the ladder. If you did it correctly, in a matter of seconds, the sand will fall, revealing the switch When you pull the switch, go to the painting that you door is behind. And you can go in!   Have fun!
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