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Build Owner: 
Fail Boat

Ok, so the build is on the World of Minecraft: Yang (Badlands) server at the moment. It is a 'sunken' ship so it is broken in two. I had originally planned on giving it a full interior and more, but the area below it is assigned to someone else, oh well. I find it a solid build as is. Feel free to check it out before the Badlands reset.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 26625
WoM Coins: 5
A Minor Hiccup

The Fail Boat is currently under a bit of a change. The Fail Mast has been moved to a new loction and I am currently searching for an open spot, above ground, and on the sand. Hopefully there will be enough room somewhere.

If you have any information on a new area for the fail boat, that would be appreciated. The actual boat can still be found in it's original spot (surrounded by buildings with a third missing) and the Mast (the missing third) can be found near spawn, just outside the gate.


All three pieces are now back together again, the only difference now is the buildings around it and the mast is at the front of the boat.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 21033
WoM Coins: 2
Very, Very nice work.My

Very, Very nice work.
My favorite bit in particular is running up the sideways stairs.
Well done once again Sinister. :D

WoM Member
WoM Member: 26625
WoM Coins: 5

Thankyou marioman, look forward to seeing you in-game.