Just a rough sketch I came up with. Would be a fun build, figured I should post it
Quartz was a first thought but yah that may take a long time. it would look better though, and we do have plenty of time. the gold will take a while too
Yea agreed quartz will look good. I can help mining. The roof can be light green clay (if that exists)
We could also throw in stained glass windows! (which makes me think we should build a gothic church nearby the castle if not part of it)
Yah a large church would be cool, and I made those giant windows on the sides because I learned about the stained glass and giant pieces of glass artwork there would be awesome
I would love to be part of this project on the 1.7 map. I could possibly build a small house near the site and help when can!
Yah, that would be fine, a nice populated city would be perfect, and help would speed up the process
WoM Coins: 4
With what material would you build the castle?
I'm thinking smooth stone or even quartz (might take forever tho)