Giving away FREE minecraft related stuff SERIOU
2 replies [Last post]
WoM Member
WoM Member: 215554
WoM Coins: 4


Hey everyone,
I recently started a twitter account dedicated for Minecraft Give-aways, I'm in need of followers to get things rolling.
I have a contest runningright now, and all is needed are 50 followers. Once I hit that number I will be 
giving away FIVE (5) FREE Enderman custom wristbands. They are really neat and can be viewed on my latest tweet.
I plan to do many many more give-aways in the future too, so stay tuned!
I hope I'm not breaking any forum rules with this, I just don't know where else to find such cool people to ask that make up this forum.
Thanks everyone, and good luck
Epic Contributor
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WoM Member: 451996
WoM Coins: 1427
World of Minecraft forum rules


but so far your doing ok.

Epic Contributor
Contributor +
WoM Member: 240770
WoM Coins: 1897
Not giving you my address,

Not giving you my address, not paying shipping, not participating in some gimmick to be well known in the community.