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Hello there, I'm curiousnathan and I've primarily made this thread to begin involving myself into the community. I'm not particularly great with intorducing myself, but i do love answering questions so if you'd like to know more about me, feel free to ask as many questions as you wish.

I'm currently 16 years of age, male, live in Australia, and massive fan of  - what most consider to be childish interests, but I ignore the haters, 'cause haters gonna hate - Pokemon, Yu-gi-Oh and Minecraft especially. I also have a deep interest in Mathematics, Chemistry and Biology and wish to study these in order to successfully apply for course in medicine at uni, later on. I am an avid fan of The Big Bang Theory, Criminal Minds and The Mentalist.

Anyhoo, that's more than enough about myself! I'd gladly and am looking forward to getting to know some new individuals within this community and hope I can serve to be a great contributor to the community's overall growth and discussions.