Hey guys. My friend and I want to play on a private minecraft server so I am trying to set one up, but am having troubles. I can join it, but no one else can. I have an Actiontec GT784WN modem that I am trying to run it through so if anyone can help it would be aprreciated greatly.
Basically, they'll need to connect to your public ip. (google what is my ip)
You need to set a port forward from your modem to your machine for the port that they're going to be connecting to the minecraft server on. (I can't remember the mc port but you can look it up)
And pretty sure you need to be running minecraft server, not just sharing a minecraft world to lan.
The default Minecraft server port is 25565, but it is configurable in the server.properties file. I do *NOT* recommend changing this unless you know what you're doing.
WoM Coins: 1405
first off, if its at home, good luck as most ISPs block ALL outbound ports. second, if your doing Open To LAN, wont work outside your local network