our website is Hooptiesworld.enjin.com
the server is: s26.hosthorde.com:25657
(in beta testing, only room for 10 people at a time.)
Tired of all the rules? me too. so this is factions with no rules. outside of game mechanics. anything gos.
no bans, no kicks, only limit your curseing and no spamming chat. thats it.
Like cannons? i have 6! all do various nasty things. and all work in the wilds World...come have fun with em...
tired of games that are automated? me too,
every week, various personally hosted tournaments held thru skype. wensdays and fridays.
(brought over from my hugely popular Last Player Standing Series on Xbox360)
a new game every week. rare loot prices. or money.
The main world is designed to encourage exploration. and reward you for doing so.
Hidden admin shops with very low prices, if you find it in wilderness, claim the land and prevent others from using admin sign. you OWN that rare item. :) in effect, you coner the market and your the go to guy..
or horde it for yourself...your choice. random parkour challenges are hidded everywhere with commands blocks chests that give you non-crafting items...like bedrock..or horse armor..
the list goes on, and it contiunes to evolve. So come get on, and blow stuff up..with cannons!
WoM Coins: 124
Just completed the Red and Blue Side of the Giant Cube Maze. Loads of fun for maze lovers.
Started work on the Forest World Maze. lvls. 1 thru 6. More to come...
Minor tweaks ahve been made for first time players, new Players will be able to get a book that gives a basic rundown on how the differnt worlds work. plus some basic starting too
Archery and Spleef Tounraments are now hosted every friday @ 630pm via Skype.