Hey guys,
Myself and a few other people I know got the idea to start up a minecraft server. After a couple days worth of building and a few weeks of just mulling the ideas around in our head, this is what we've come up with.
(The server's still very much in development, but we're trying to organize the development in a way that will never require a world reset: this map is the map we're going to use.)
IP: Incantus.Blizzardbird.com
Forum Link is http://incantus.blizzardbird.com/
It's very easy to remember; the ip and the forums are the same.
About the server
Incantus is a semi-conceptual survival nations server. It is our attempt to have an innovative, unique, and yet not overly complicated perspective on Minecraft.
Now, we can give this to you the short way, or the long way.
The Short explanation:
- Incantus is a Nations server
- There is an Economy
- The World is set in the ruins of a dead civilization, and there are countless opprotunities to explore
- There is a pantheon of gods, that grant benefts
- Mining will done on another world, that will be easily and redily available to all players
The Long explanation:
Incantus is a semi-conceptual survival nations server. It is our attempt to have an innovative, unique, and yet not overly complicated perspective on Minecraft.
Please keep in mind that, in the following couple days/weeks, the server is still being developed. Because of this, many things will at least a little rough, and there will be changes galore. However, rest assured that there will be NO map resets in the entirety of the servers development (unless something completely fatal happens to the map); this is the map we’re going to use for the rest of the time this server is active.
Now, what exactly is Incantus about?
There are a few aspects to this server. Here’s an overview
Incantus is, primarily, a server built around the forming of and interactions between nations. We have a system in mind that will guarantee a measure of safety to the weak, and glory to the strong.
If you’re interested, it goes something like this:
For each tier of nation, the leader of the nation in question will be required to fill out an application and post it on the forums
There are 3 tiers in total, with 1 being the lowest and 3, the highest.
- Tier 1 will be the most inexpensive of the three, and will therefore have the least potential of the three.
- It basically functions as a normal town, that will be able to be created in the normal towny fashion
- Tier 1 towns will not be able to form alliances, wage wars or be the target of wars
- Tier 2 will be the second most expensive of the three, and will have a moderate amount of potential
- In addition to the normal towny functions, you will be able to use some nation perks. (More on that later)
- You will be able to form alliances and wage wars (You’ll also be able to be the target of wars, though).
- You will also be able to create up to 2 Outposts (64 by 64 sub-towns that belong directly to your nation, each costing a moderate sum of money)
- Tier 3 will be the most expensive and with the most potential out of the three
- In addition to enjoying everything that a T2 will enjoy, you will be able to access all nation perks (We’ll post a perk tree of sorts on the forum in a bit)
- Your outpost maximum will be upped to 5, and each of those outposts will be able to use a very limited number of nation perks
- You will be given a large plot on a creative world to build a monument to your nation. When finished & approved, this will be copied and put in the real world.
In addition to being a Nations server, we also have an economy (however primitive it is at the moment) that will feature Chestshops. To get things started, we have an admin shop that buys gold ingots at 50 per ingot.
To put that in perspective, we’re thinking of having a T1 nation cost upwards of 5000 to form.
Something we wish to focus upon and develop through this server is the interaction between the player and the environment. The player spawns in a massive and apparently abandoned tower, with hints everywhere pointing to a lost civilization that built it.
As the player progresses, he/she will probably find other ruins. Each of them shedding more light on their enigmatic creators.
It’s important to note that, at this current time, we’re still building each individual ruin. Therefore, this feature is not in circulation right now.
Another feature that we’re going to implement is the existence of a pantheon of gods. Like the previous feature, this isn’t done yet. Once we get enough admins, we’re going to get this all set up, but for the time being, there are no gods.
If you are interested in what we’re going to do with the gods when we implement them, here’s the general system.
Of the gods we’re going to have, there are going to be 3 categories
Category 1 gods will be gods that are more inclined towards destruction, chaos and death. (Bad gods)
Category 2 gods will be gods that are more inclined towards life-giving, nature, and construction. (Good gods)
Category 3 gods will be gods that are more inclined towards wisdom and prosperity (Neutral gods)
Each category of god will be able to be worshipped by T2 and higher nations through the creation of temples. Temples will guarantee the nation a weekly ‘blessing’ of x material/weapons.
For example, if the temple is built to worship Category 1 gods, they would be given things related to destruction, such as enchanted weapons & armor, and small amounts of tnt.
There will be different tiers of temples, and rewards will correlate with the tier of temple.
Furthermore, each group of gods will have their own ‘plane’, ‘world’ etc. These will be linked to the main world by portals.
These portals to the realms of gods will not open to everyone. A player who wishes to enter these worlds, and have property in them, will have two routes open to them.
They can either:
a. Donate money to the server
b. Undergo a very hard trail given by the god in question.
What they would get by opening these portals is the following:
-Permanent access to that world
-A worldguarded plot in that world
-Ascension to the status of Demi-god. Which would give you access to some magic.
Gods will also function as admins, and will sometimes play a role in the daily life of normal players.
We're still hammering out everything about the Gods, but I expect it to be done by around next week
Multiple worlds
There will be different worlds that you may visit and play in. The most obvious and easily accessible will be two:
- The normal world
- The Mining world
The normal world is pretty self-explanatory; it's the world you spawn in.
However, the more complicated feature of all this is that there will also be a mining world.
You can access this world whenever and wherever you feel like it. It is reset every few days, so we wouldn't advise building there. The only purpose of going there is to mine. For the moment, there is nothing to stop you from mining in the regular world, but we're thinking of removing all ores in the normal world in the future.
Those are the only worlds that you can access right off the bat and with commands.
Some worlds will be accessible through other means, such as through specific ruins, gods etc.
...And that's it, I think. Stay tuned for more, or go on server to have a chat with me (or other people) about where the server may be headed.
On Applying
application is very simple.
Just fill out this form, and post it on this forum post: http://www.minecraft...tiworld-bukkit/
(The things marked with an * are required)
How experienced would you say you are at playing Minecraft?
What are you looking for in the Server?
Do you have any additional comments?