As some of you probably already now, a player named gateacre has been playing on the server lately, and annoying tons of others while doing it. He's been not just annoying, say by asking people for too much stuff, but he shows no respect towards any other players, and insults us quite often. Just now, for example, I was selling fortune 3 books (2 of them). When I said I was, qwerty and deathshadow were the first to ask about them, followed by gate. When I gave it to death (because qwerty didn't have enough money) gateacre proceeded to call me a loser and idiot, and that he asked about the book first (though he did give a price first, qwerty and death asked "how much" before him). Then, I told him about the 2nd book, but after him being such a butt to me and others for a long time, I didn't think it was fair to give it to him. I sold it to death again, and death felt bad for gate (he had not known him for a long time I guess) so he gave gate the book for free. However, death made gate promise to not be rude to me ever again. Right after death said this, gate said "It was part of his plan all along" and that he was going to need some lava to burn the book. I said I had some lava if he needed it, and he told me to shove the lava in my face.
I'm sorry, but it's not fair that I should have to take insults one after the other from 10 year olds like this guy. I have requested mutes for these things, and he never gets them, and he's been warned MULTIPLE times, so I think (once again, its my opinion) that he should be banned. I mean I was given a 24 hour mute for just throwing a few insults at one person; he's thrown a ton at multiple people.
Thanks for taking the time to look over this.
Also, how do I attack snapshots that i've taken to these posts? I have a few I could add.
Show some screenies and I'll bring a mod's attention to this
Hmm.. How long has he been on server? I think he is the dude who made that awesome Tic Tac Toe game... I am not sure But in my opinion it would be good if he was muted but can still talk to admins so he could build more epic things... If he was banned we wouldnt have so much of that awesome stuff we built and he gave me 5 diamonds that I was willing to pay 50k for, he gave them to me for 1k... I really think he sould just get tempmuted for like 24 hours to realize what he has actually done. If he was banned.. thats a different story, I would never have 5 diamonds for my god helmet and death would never have all of those books becuase I think his plan was to give death 10k to buy them but whatever.... Thats my opinion... and think of that giant tic tac toe! Would spud be sad if he saw gate gone! Last night he felt bad for gate so he built the machine in his land and let gate help alot.
I jsut think amute is anough.... I will talk to him on skype about this so yeah :D They're my opinions
Guys, I know it's hard to understand when he doesn't do it to you, but he's been throwing insults at me left and right. Also, that tic-tac-toe is actually spuds build more than gates, you need creative to build something like that. Also skyara, I asked how to attack snapshots, because i'm such a technology noob that I cant seem to figure it out.
Press F2. If F2 does something else (Ex: makes the screen less bright) use the fn button (short for function, should be at the bottom left on your keyboard) To use it, hold it down and then press F2 while holding it.
And yes, gatacre has gone a little to far. He insulted me too.
Ahaha, gate has already annoyed me enough. Show me the screens and on top of him breaking my blaze grinder multiple times, begging and basically ordering staff around, plus the amount of warnings he's already had, I think the rest of the staff agree he deserves a ban.
He's been ipbanned on IRC for the following:
-Punishment bypass
and permamuted on the servers for the following:
-Verbal abuse
-Intolerance to general community (ingame and in real life)
You should all thank MrSnowGlobe and RyanKnack.
Gateacre is still being very rude D: He only got muted but still he said the f word to me and the "not as bad" d word to me i think he should be banned now he is just a very rude person
Guys don't worry about him, I think he won't be online to much if he can't speak...
This is deep
He's banned. This thread can be locked now
True Dat, But one last thing. to ask
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