If you would like to learn to script for FREE click on this link: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html5_intro.asp
Best. Way. To. Learn. HTML5.
(Notice, start with HTML first, then CSS, then the rest.)
Thanks Jak
I'd like to learn this :D
haha, I am super ahead of the game :) I know HTML, CSS, PHP, and MySql.
Great site for the beginners! Im pretty ahead too :D
I know HTML, HTML5, CSS, Java, C#, C++(very basic), Lua, Maya Script(Very, very basic) and ActionScript.
Does the guy who made this website know code stuff? Like PHP and MySQL?
Oh I think he dables in it ;D
I am moderate in PHP and basic in MySQL.
Cause I suck.
I took the
quiz and passed the php, mysql, html, and css.
Oh yea well I know nothing .___. yet. wait I know how to make a webpage with wordpress but thats toddler stuff...
dont use W3Schools but use php.net for php coding and part of MySQL
PHP.net gives you functions, not tutorials. It is for help.
W3Schools gives you tutorials, it is for beginners.
Well, I know a tiny bit of LUA, which I know is not anywhere near enough. So, this should be great help.
Guys, W3Schools is just to start out with! It's not like the site is gonna teach you every god damn thing!
Never said it would teach everything. But clearly, knowing next-to-nothing in LUA will not be difficult to top.
Just bringing to the top :D
I know enlgish :D
World of minecraft... making the Bill Gateses of tommorow
Atm i am learning java, python, c#, and a little scratch
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