Who's found things and what have you found ?
Bragging and teamwork in this thread
I honestly only know how to get into about 3 of those rooms you named. And that's because they're the 3 I made.
Even as staff, with the ability to tp myself through walls... i can't figure out how to legitimately get into some of the rooms! Bravo to the room builders!!
This map room sounds super exciting though... what else have you heard?
And what things have other people found? I must know!!!
I have no memory of this "Map Room"
The water room which had jeb_ sheep in them until shazty killed them all
The Real Sir Rockington Headquarters
Also the library, the Art Gallery, and the 'why did you come back here' Room.
the 'why did you come back here' Room
What made you think going back there was a good idea anyway?
I have found... about 0 of those... probably wont see me on smp till ive found all of those now... just in the lobby... :P
I suggest bragging and cool screenshots on here, teamwork and assistance in lobby so if other people want to find things themselves they can =]
to see what i've seen you have to have the skill to find them, i must admit the netherbrick/portal room is quite cool
I just realized nobody found my forest dome yet. Neat.
Scratch that, qwerty just found it. :/
junk found it a while back
Oh is that what he meant by the tree room? I knew that..
WoM Coins: 65
I've found:
-The water room
-The sheep and tnt room
-The Tree room
-The Library
-Yay monument
-a random pig
-The real sir rockington
-Several dead end traps
-A redstone light hub that has the discovered rooms and undiscovered rooms, opened and closed a door to work this out
-Several hint signs, and blank signs to distract you
-A way to get under the added parts glass floor
-Netherbrick room with a view (supposedly 1st person) very very tricky
-Sign on back of rock
-The entrance to a room with a verticle chute
-A 3x3 door i still have no worked out how to open - Well i think it is...
-A mysterious stone button (do not know the use)
-2 rooms still being added
I have heard about:
-A MAP ROOM - Major
-Teamwork being the key for some rooms