Looking for my old skin :c
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I'm Carpathyah and a new user around here.

There was recently a glitch while I was on Multiplayer and it happened that I went back to my default skin. Not thinking about restarting the game, I thought I lost my skin and was forever on the default skin so I was on the hunt for my old skin and I put myself a temporary one.

Unfortunately, I can't find it anymore. It was an adorable skin. It was a girl with short pink hair, a red bandana, a blue blazer and shorts. She was pale. It was well detailed and I remember finding it on Miners Need Cool Shoes but, I do not remember what I typed in to get it. It would be great help if anyone even saw the skin and saw it recently.

I have no picture, never thought this would happen.

Thank you for your help! It's greatly appreciated.