looking for people to join vapecraft 24/7 minecraft dedicated server!!!!
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WoM Member: 671726
WoM Coins: 2

Hello Fellow minecraft players im here to tell u we have decided to open a 24/7 dedicated server.Which means no issues no lag and the best part grief preventions along with other plugins to prevent trouble-some little kids from destroying ur builds,homes,unfinished projects or what ever it may be. just simply post on this thread and either one of us will reply to u...

#1 IGN:

#2 AGE:

#3 a short description as to why u would like to join!!

#4 must be 18+ due to ts3 and possible conversation that may arise!

and i forgot to mention! the server is looking for moderators,builders,members and at least one more admin

we have 2 admin they are chaoskildar,TopSecretMuffin
we have 1 Moderator and he is Brunstucky61

and we as owners are dedicated to u players and we watch the server 24/7 to make sure no issue arise at anytime this is not a home made server this is a DEDICATED server which is ts3 implemented as-well for members and up SO COME ON ALREADY!!! right it all sounds awesome i know 

THANK U for taking the time to read and respond hope u enjoy everything we put into this for u THE PLAYERS 24/7 and TS3 and the freedom to build anything everything u like.