Minecraft W/ PS3 Controller
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Ok ive got 99% of the controller all setup and working perfectly with MotionJoy DS3 except for 1 minor issue. I have L2 as mouse scroll up and R2 mouse down scroll which is is making the hotbar go mad. It's as if 1 millisecond of L2/R2 being pressed = 1 scroll down/up which is causing the hotbar to cycle insanley fast. I've tried using the rest of my buttons as the number keys but there's not enough buttons and the extra buttons are all scattered making it a little difficult. Ive had this same issue with half life 2 but it was a simple fix of changing the in-game configuration to weapon scrolls = bracket keys. I'm pretty sure I would have to go into the java code to change the scrolling key but does anyone else have any better ideas?