My mouse isn't working well with minecraft. It works well with any other program, but this is totally messing up any pvp whatsoever (xD). I try to hit something with a asword or mine something, and i have to click it frantically until it works for about 2-3 clicks. Is there anything that can help this? Thankyou!
No it just... doesn't work that well. I click a lot and it works like 2/10 times.
How many frames per second due you get? (How smooth is the picture?)
Not much, around 20, but that isn't part of the problem (I don't think). That's always my speed and this problem began yesterday
Try a different USB Port? Happend with my 4$ mouse from Amazon once (one of them). :P
Actually, it's my laptop xD The mouse is fine, it's the compatibility of something with my computer to minecraft
It probably a no PalmCheck off/on option to be found. The PalmCheck checks to see if your palm is resting on the TouchPad while you are typing (or using the keyboard), and if it is then it'll temporarily shut down the TouchPad until you stop typing. Many a new laptops now a days no longer have this standard feature. It makes many a games and other soft wears almost unusable as a result. If your lucky enough to have Synaptics TouchPad software/driver installed then you should be able to find the setting for that. Google it up.
Please don't post in random things in random places.
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Hmm, I'm no expert when it comes to this stuff, but does it lag? If it lags, then check that you have enough RAM/storage/other technical stuff to run minecraft.