Need youtube players
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 626944
WoM Coins: 8

Thanks for coming to read this.

I love to play minecraft and make youtube videos. I thought it would be nice to play with some friends but at the same time make youtube videos. My minecraft account it infectedgaming1

To be part of this all you need to do is

  1. State your minecraft username
  2. State your youtube username
  3. State what type of things you like to play in minecraft(I don't really care just want to learn about ya)
  4. Tell me when you play the most of the time
  5. Tell me why you should be a part of this
  6. You must have a microphone to communicate.





  1. Skype me at Unevenuploads
  2. Still must have a microphone
  3. Complete some of the information from above like just normal stuff name of mc,youtube and anything else important.
Epic Contributor
WoM Member: 547233
WoM Coins: 1712

I was going to volunteer, but then I saw that fateful line of text.

(Must already have 1 video and 10 subscribers)