NEW! High performance infinite block building game.
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MineBetter™ Download Here:!/MineBetter%E2%84%A2-PC-video-game/p/58053312/category=0

This is NOT a Minecraft clone! Minecraft is a game platform based on the idea of a completely modifiable virtual world made entirely of blocks. It turns out that this is an extremely complex programming challenge.
This game is called MineBetter™, because I am making Mine Better than the original maker of Minecraft. I like Minecraft, however, it has very poor performance, even on very fast hardware old world saves struggle when the chunk count gets too high, or a chunk becomes corrupted due to unsafe auto-saving. All these problems and more have been solved in this high performance infinite block building game called MineBetter™. Although the game textures and sounds are very similar to Minecraft, they are all custom art I have made myself. The game is still in early development version 0.4.3 BETA, and is available to download.

This game is very addictive and fun to play even though its still in early dev. It is very stable and runs smooth on my low-end computer. I am excited for the next update!