WoM staff has seen how users reserve areas (with their borders) and ask for assigns constantly. We will deal with this in the following ways: You will not be allowed an assign or allowed to put up your borders for your build for the first 3 days that maps are put up. This is to give others who do not use reservation borders or assigns a chance to build somewhere. Secondly, you will not get an assign for your build if it isn't at least half done. Click read more for more information.

It has also come to our attention that certain Arches have been assigning and filling for people (you know who you are). This is a warning to you. Do not assign to others or fill for others. If you are caught doing this, you will be temporarily demoted. If you get enough temporary demotions, you will be permanently demoted.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask World of Minecraft staff by PM, on IRC, or in-game.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 48745
WoM Coins: 2

Awesome new rules, bummer that we can't get fills anymore. Any chance that there will still be some occasional air fills underground?

WoM Member
WoM Member: 40216
WoM Coins: 15

Fills will till be given from Administrator+, if they have the time/feel you should have one. It just means that Architects cannot do them for you anymore.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 48745
WoM Coins: 2

Ah, thanks for the clarification Westy.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 52553
WoM Coins: 0

interesting....don't know what half of this means, but still interesting :)

WoM Member
WoM Member: 2002
WoM Coins: 1

Some ranks can ask an Admin+ for an "/assign" which means that no one (save for certain staff and higher ranks) can build in the assigned area.

In the past, this privilege was abused and players were asking for large plots of empty land. This new rule just makes it so /assign is used as intended. 

WoM Member
WoM Member: 49412
WoM Coins: 4

Good rules.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 16504
WoM Coins: 0

Ok, I understand the parts about Archs not doing fills for other people, and the 3 day wait idea is good, but I'm not to sure on the Half Done assign rule. What about designers who need the assign to use their commands, to get half done in the first place.
It seems it'll put more pressure on designers to build more awesome things.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 40216
WoM Coins: 15

Consider it a challenge to test your skills. As of recent, some staff members have noticed that Designers have become a little too complacent with the commands give to them. Prove us wrong.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 20856
WoM Coins: 0

What he said.
The commands have become something of a crutch. I think that this rule will help community to not relyso much on their use.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 53369
WoM Coins: 0

Dunno what this means, but interesting nevertheless.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 2842
WoM Coins: 0

Hmm, i already know how to do it without fill commands without being a DESI.
 With these rules (well, the 50% rule at least) It just makes being a desi: Having a blue name, and maybe a confusling title to go with it.
I didnt get to use any of my commands from when i got Desi, except for 1 time, under supervision of an admin. (And when i got trained to use them.)
So yeah.. i dunno. 50% rule doesnt really look appealing to me.
I get the idea of it. But everyone works the rules with zero tolerance. If one has preformed well in the past, there should be slight exceptions for these rules.
Some people just have GREAT ideas, and plan a HUGE build, and before they even get the chance to build the surroundings for that build or in this case, get it 50% done. The area is full of crap. (Crap==Useless sh*t we've either all seen before or a 10x10 brick house any retard can create)

Conclusion: If one has the plans, And some idea or sketch to show to admin+'s, a proper motivation AND a estimation of build size (Aka: So you dont end up saying: Yeah i need about 300x300, ill be sure to make it. NO: It will be 230x255, with about 15 bricks tolerance calculated in that)
There should be an exception for these rules.

Maybe this exception should only be made by an exec+ Else you still might end up with admins being a bit to loose with this exception?