Imagine a land without Boundary, An idea with no limits, A Discovery that is yet Undiscovered. Imagine Voyage (Name in Progress the other suggestion is Camylot which has the ring of Arrogance but I have no problem with it believe me.) The server is basically grief proof with boundary protection (Ask an OP we'll hook you up yo) TNT is unable to explode (Sorry if this bugs you I don't want to babysit the Members though) Firespread is turned off. (That includes natural fire spread i.e. Lightning Strikes) Warps are functional and can be added by request. The server is a work in progress however so while donations are appreciated you'll have to ask me about that if you'd like to. (You can decide what you want done with it, either to keep the server going or to expand member cap or just to burn cash whichever I'm not picky d:) Please subscribe to my Youtube Channel for Updates on the server a Facebook page will be up soon if you don't like Youtube (Weirdo) (The i.p)