Open source Minecraft Intertwined project
Images by theDURRRRIAN | Anchora Games
Hello everyone and welcome to Intertwined.
There is so much we would like to tell you about the Intertwined project, but for the sake of of keeping things comprehensible we shall stick to the main goals and features.
The first and foremost goal is also one of the main features at the same time.
The ability to be a part of something.
And we don't mean that in a sense where if you sign up at your local bakery your a part of them by receiving a weekly newsletter.
No, we even feel that saying you can be a part of Intertwined is a understatement.
Within time, every post is read, every voice is heard and every opinion is listened to.
You are the project.
Some of you may excel in coding and making mods and plug-ins, or have alot of experience in building websites.
Others may be great at commentary, video editing, artwork or writing lore.
While the person next to him is great at giving constructive critisism, the girl across just has a good general knowledge of minecraft.
I used some apparent Minecraft Intertwined related examples, but this list goes on and on.
My point is, should they be willing to, everyone can contribute in his or her own way and if we pull our experiences together there is no limit to what we can archieve.
While it may not be exactly a feature, the extreme difficulty setting is also something that makes Intertwined more distinct.
Also a term we do not intend to use lightly.
Perhaps we should put it a bit different like this.
Unless you are some sort of minecraft ninja,
expect yourself to be cowering inside the safety of the townhall after a skeleton archer splatters your brains along with your loot all over the floor with a single shot.
While this may seem a bit harsh it opens up a world of other options.
You may have to train a 'bit' longer inside the town's training grounds to level up your defensive stat, perhaps do a 'couple' of quests and spend your money on some armor.
Or maybe you want to head down the excavation site in hope of finding a artifact that will reveal you how to make certain potions.
Whatever you do, you can always party up and meet new people while gaining a experience bonus at the same time!
By now you problaly know that teamwork will be quite essential on this server.
Fortunatly there are extensive features like kingdoms, factions, alliances, guilds and clans to help you on your way to conquest.
Aslong as you do not get crushed by the political warfare and ravaging combat between them, you might, just might make it trough your first day.
There is a reason I put 'bit' and 'couple' between quotations after all. :lol:
I guess the evil smirk on my face is a sign that I should wrap this up before this becomes too much of a wall of text.
We like to thank you for taking the time to have read trough all this and hopefully we have piqued your interest.
At the time of this post we have just opened our portal to the public, and we would very much like to invite you to come over and share your thoughts.
Over the course of the next weeks we will be assigning volunteers to our staff team, so we can put some names and faces to the list.
If you would like to see what their all about, you can find out by clicking this link.
While our team does it's best to keep everyone updated on external sites aswell,
you may find out that some of the information may already been up or outdated depending on the date you are are reading this.
For the latest news, updates and announcements we recommend you check out
Aside from our website/portal you can also find us on IRC and Teamspeak.
Connect your favorite IRC client to #Intertwined at
Alternatively you can use the webbased client located [link_open=][/link_open] (Opens in new window)
The Intertwined Teamspeak 3 server can be found by at (No password)
Not sure how to use Teamspeak? Click here
Planned Features V0.1