PC Compatibility With Minecraft and/or gta iv/dayz
WoM Member: 626698
WoM Coins: 4
Would this computer run well with Minecraft? And possibly Grand Theft Auto 4 or DayZ?
Link: http://www.amazon.com/Professional-Featuring-Interlaced-Performance-Separately/dp/B00ABMTV98/ref=sr_1_cc_3?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1366572786&sr=1-3-catcorr&keywords=windows+7+desktop
If possible can you give me suggestions on laptops that would run at least Minecraft with 0 lag.
WoM Coins: 1427
It'll probably be okay for minecraft. It doesn't say anything much for graphics though. As for lag, it usually to do with your inertnet connections/speed. Windows 7 Professional maybe a little bit of an over kill for games.
If your thinking of running new and fancier games like Grand Theft Auto etc, you best save your money and look for a computer that more recent and up market. There's hundreds to choose from....