Hello, I have recently made a Pixelmon whitelisted server.
Hide the word "pepsi" in your app so I know you have read this!
The rules are basic -
No Racism
No spamming
No constant swearing
No Hacked clients
No glitching
You can apply here:
Skype(Required to send IP tell me if you don't and we can work something out):
Have you had any experience with Pixelmon before?:
Are you a good builder?If so, provide proof(This will help your chances):
How could you help the server/ community?:
How many hours a day do you play/ days a week?:
How much do you know about pixelmon/pokemon?:
Would you donate $5 a month to keep the server alive?(This wont decrease your chances but it will increase them):
Tell me about yourself :3:
Anything Else I should know about you (Youtube ect):
Name:Lewis Henderson
Skype(Required to send IP tell me if you don't and we can work something out):lewishendo1
Have you had any experience with Pixelmon before?:Yes i have played it alot but i dont like None whitelisted server because you cant trust anybody and everybody just griefes -_-
Are you a good builder?If so, provide proof(This will help your chances):I am alright but not that amazing
How could you help the server/ community?:I have a youtube channel and if i get accepted i will be making a series (Channel: www.youtube.com/user/stewieplaysmc) Also i will be offering any pixelmon tips or trickes if anybody in our community needs them ;)
How many hours a day do you play/ days a week?: About 25 Hours maybe more
How much do you know about pixelmon/pokemon?:I know quite alot, I have played some of the pokemons so i know most of the moves most of what types beat what and i have played enought to fully know that the mod is not fully complete so some things could be broken.
Would you donate $5 a month to keep the server alive?(This wont decrease your chances but it will increase them):I would if i could but i dont think i could get the money together. But i would try
Tell me about yourself :3: Well i live in england and i go to ridgeway high school. I am friendly but also quite competitive so if were in a battle im gonna try my hardest :D. Nothing else much to say
Anything Else I should know about you (Youtube ect): I have already talked about my youtube :P
Thank you for reading
P.S "Pepsi"
Skype(Required to send IP tell me if you don't and we can work something out):TestificateTom
Have you had any experience with Pixelmon before?:Yes
Are you a good builder?If so, provide proof(This will help your chances):I am ok.
How could you help the server/ community?:I might start a Youtube Channel.
How many hours a day do you play/ days a week?:I play alot! At least 5 hours a day/7 Days a week.
How much do you know about pixelmon/pokemon?:I know some about pokemon. My first pokemon game was Generation 3 and i loved it.
Would you donate $5 a month to keep the server alive?(This wont decrease your chances but it will increase them):I could try.
Tell me about yourself :3:I am 14 and i love minecraft. I play it alot and are addicted. I know alot about it.
Anything Else I should know about you (Youtube ect):I live in the USA.
Name: Jeff
IGN: vj89
Skype: jeffrey.doyle99
Age: 15
Are you a good builder? If so, provide proof(This will help your chances): Im pretty good if you just tell me what to build, unfortunately i cannot provide proof because i recently swit5ched to a new computer so all my old worlds are gone.
How could you help the server/community?: I might start livestreaming, I am also playing often so i will be on alot.
How many hours a day/days a week?: probably like 4-6 days a week with maybe like 5 or so hours a day depending on the day.
How much do you know about pixelmon/pokemon?: I am a competitive pokemon player who has also played pixelmon sense the mode came out
Would you donate 5$ a month to keep the server alive?(this wont decrease your chances but it will increase them): I probably could in like 2 months time maybe less.
Tell me about yourself :3: Im just your average hardcore gamer who likes Pepsi
Anything else i should know about you (Youtube ect): I might stream and eventually i might do youtube depends on some family things
Skype:Yes but its being durpy right now
Have you had any experience with Pixelmon before?: Yes
Are you a good builder?If so, provide proof(This will help your chances):some what but not rilly
How could you help the server/ community?:im a vary frendly and love to team with a lot of people
How many hours a day do you play/ days a week?:4-5 7 days a week
How much do you know about pixelmon/pokemon?: alot played and love it
Would you donate $5 a month to keep the server alive?(This wont decrease your chances but it will increase them):depending on the situation of the month
Tell me about yourself :3:vary frendly and love to team with people
Anything Else I should know about you (Youtube ect): note rilly
WoM Coins: 1
Have you had any experience with Pixelmon before?: Ya i have played it since the start
Are you a good builder?If so, provide proof(This will help your chances): https://platinumgamer.imgur.com/all/
How could you help the server/ community?:I have many connections to big streamers
How many hours a day do you play/ days a week?:About 4 hours a day
How much do you know about pixelmon/pokemon?: I know all about ev training, natures, and the in's and out's of moves
Would you donate $5 a month to keep the server alive?(This wont decrease your chances but it will increase them):Ya i could do that
Tell me about yourself :3:I am a nice and funny person who is caring and smart
Anything Else I should know about you (Youtube ect):https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPEgRv5NlgPsRiRHNu0NjUQ http://www.twitch.tv/platinumgamerriley