Yessir, the PvP Server has finally been updated to 1.3.1.
Apologies for the delay, I have been quite busy + waiting for some solid plugins etc to be released.
As for SMP server, we are close to putting the 1.3.1 version live.
that was done quick to surprise you staff also im stuck in creative mode
epic ty
epic ty
1.3.1 pvp server update: what I think
I think that 1.3.1 PvP fighting is awesome! (although I want smp more then PvP.)
Is now the time to ask those "what will and can be saved" questions, or is it still too early?
ok i have this account but how do i play minecraft ?????
love it
love it
Hey could you make it to where players can use spawn command? Many people get lost and lose all there stuff returning to spawn, which sucks, but you could maybe make it to where when you enter the command, it takes 10 seconds to warp there so people don't abuse the command by just warping away from their attacker.
WoM Coins: 7
i hope smp coming soon!