Wesbite: http://www.pvpzone.x10.mx/
Join the server:
Alternate IP: PVPZONE.nx.tc:25600
server status:
Type /warhub and choose a map!(Tip: join the most populated one!)
When you first spawn, press your crouch key (shift) to change your class!
Capture the other teams flag, or kill them to try and win!
You can switch your class (by pressing the sneak/crouch key) when you first spawn into your teams spawn, once leaving you are stuck with that current class.
Classes with magic spawn with what seem to be random items, these items are actually enchanted with spells. Left click on these items to cast the spells, some items have two spells, Right click to toggle between them.
If you have any ideas for classes or nerfs, buffs for current classes let me know, I might create them
Fighter:Iron Sword, Gold Chest, Gold Legs, Wood Pickaxe, Food
Tank: Full Diamond armor, Stone sword, Pickaxe, Seeds(Invulnerability)
Archer: Bow and Arrows, Chainmail Chest, Bones (Summons Dogs!), Wooden Sword(Haste), Wood pickaxe, empty bowl(Arrow Volley), cookie(Forcepush, throws enemies away from you)
Builder: Various Building equipment, Diamond Pickaxe (Zap! Instantly destroy a block), Stone Bricks (Build, must be located in 2nd slot, build from a distance)
Elemental: Clay, (Combust/Firewalk). Gold Sword (Explode), Cake(Fireball), Pumpkin (Firenova/Empower), WaterBucket(Geyser, launches enemies up)
Anarchist: Flint and tinder(can be used to set off switches, plates, etc from distance as a spell), TNT, redstone, arrows, dispensers, pressure plates, name explains it all
Warlock: Grass Seeds(Confusion, makes enemies attack each other), Iron Fences (Cripple/Entomb), Woodenhoe (Disarm), TreeLeaves (Drain-Life), Book (Lightning), Shears (Summon Minion), Brick (Pain, causes pain on your enemies at the cost of health)
Healer: Melon (Heals Other Players), Stick(Teleport), Tree Leaves (Drain Life). Diamond (Mana-tap), Redrose (Self-heal), Redstone (Magic Reflect) SandStone(Defensive Wall)
Spy: Reeds (Invisibility, right click to activate, must keep them equipped to stay invisible), Seeds(See through Stone), Iron Sword, Mushroom (Poison/Web), Feather (Leap), Flint (Shurkins)
Maps are custom made and cycled, we have ~25+ maps and twelve each week are put up for play! They are all custom made by me or the community to have the best PVP experience on our server.
Other useful things:
/teams (displays the score and players one each team)
/team (team chat)
You can buy spell upgrades in the spell shop
Sell your diamond you earn from winning games to get money
use this format to upgrade spells
/cast teach
Additional Details
choose from up to over 9 classes to upgrade, play, and own! We also have Mob Arena and many minigames!