Rebel Penguin [1.7.2] [Vanilla] [PvP] {Raiding} {Hardmode}
- Server Name: Rebel Penguin
- Server Locale: U.K
- Server Address/IP:
Version: 1.7.2 Game Play Type/s: [Vanilla] [Creative] Additional Worlds: Survival/Creative
Description: This is currently a very small server that is lacking a player base. We run a mostly vanilla server and we encourage griefing and raiding! You can destroy/burn/blow up anything and everything. (Except spawn obviously).
Rules: -Respect other players
-Be mature, but do not afraid to make jokes
-Don't be a d***. This should be obvious you can swear/make jokes but only to an extent
Owner/Admins/Moderators: ThatDaveCarter/DaOrks/CustomerSupport
WoM Coins: 5
Any and all are welcome, we are in desperate need of players so come and join!