Report of a player
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 123812
WoM Coins: 1

Hello guys,

I am writing in this forum, as noone answered me in the Support forum.
At my realm (World of Minecraft Realms Server - /realm simon163) I've built some stuff. One of the guys - Julian_1234 wanted to help me with building. So I granted him builder. I liked the stuff he created so i granted him advanced. Only 2 people, who I know personally have had the advanced rank before. And there comes the problem. Julian copied my entire relam and pasted it into his realm. Now, I have already seen my creation at 2 other realms. I know it should be my intention to keep my stuff uncopyable, but please remove the staff from Julian_1234's realm so that he won't be able to say he created it. Also on of the players, who had advanced rank on Julians's realm has had my creation on his realm, but I can't remeber who it was.
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,