As of 6+ hours ago: The machine hosting our minecraft servers died and the cause is unknown at this time.
Sadly, we can't offer you an ETA on when it will be back so all we can do is just sit tight.
This post will be updated with more infomation as it comes!
H4X: Sorry guys, it seems the hosting company are stupid monkeys and don't know how to plug in a monitor and see what the hell is going on. I'll see if they can perhaps manage to install an IPKVM so I can do their job for them. Thanks for your patience.
H4X: Well guys, after 5 days they finally managed to install the IPKVM, only problem is that its someone else's windows server, not our World of Minecraft linux server... /epicfacepalm. So looks like they have been rebooting some other server this whole time. I don't know whether to laugh or cry but hopefully we can get this sorted soon for you guys!

It's simple, I have a math test tomorrow. and the server always breaks on the night before my math test so minecraft won't distract me from studying. It's just the way the universe works, which as we all know, revolves around me.
I know a guy who has a company, I can see if he can get you guys a free 1 or 2 gig server for a month or 2 in exchange for some advertising, if the server is going to take a while to get back up.
Just PM, I will completely understand if you don't want to. I know how things run around here :)
But...before all that school stuff...Minecraft all the way!
I know your'e going to try and log in the night before the test. It's natural human instinct, a law of the multiverse.
i guess its time to see if i can host the map for a bit on my server
(cracks kunkles)
Lets start the fight
~inb4 Lunick "Keep it on topic" or other relation to
Jup Y you taking math tests during my spring break! -.-
Just drop out already Jupiter so we can all play minecraft and not have to worry when your next test is. JK
Jupiter needs to look good AND be smart enough to pick up all the girls though.
@Lunick True dat! Gotta work that brain power. The full package right here.
nerd power = brain juice. Good for those fanky chicks.
Also good for making dat cash, which is good for all chicks. :P
*Agrees with Jup*
I had a test today and it would be better if it crashed on monday... distracted me too much >:9 >:0
Tests, pff, who needs them. Thats what we got nerds for.
So glad i'm done with all thosesschool tests. Only tests I got to deal with now are promotion exams. I wish i didn;t have to do the wargame drills though. Those are a true pain that make me remember those tests with fondness.
i dont take test i run the tests
"run the tests" Ok....
Drivers test, FTW
And when i'm off sick from work too.
Now i can just spend all the time in bed which is probably better for me than sitting at the computer
Hope you get felling better soon Spuds, Also I hope the Server gets felling better Soon
I just hope the server wasn't saving when it died. Because if it was saving, there's a chance the map is corrupted
Snow did you have any backups of the Server file?
already asked and he has an old back up of the map not a current one so he wont release it
well, if we have to start over, that will be tragic but I'm OK with it, I love the community here :)
I will start a town near spawn :)
there are backups of the map so if it does get coruppeted, there will be a restored map
I was having a message conversation with Hallyn, and using the /r command a lot, which apparently caused the server to kick me. Just as this happened, the server went down, so I thought it was just me who couldn't get on and I got some sort of perma-ban for spamming /r. Now I know what's happening, silly me for not checking the forums :P
Boop Boop
Thanks goodness minecraft can be played offline too.
It such an excellent retirement hobby like amateur radio.
ssfdre38 refrain from talking about your server on World of Minecraft topics thanks.
Boop boop boop
Boop boop boop boop.
Why does my message Say boop boo p boop
I assume the boops were edited as they referenced someones server.
do u think u will have to reset the server???
Wow ghost shadow, lol, if you actually read the posts people have made, you will find the answer.
Quicky: Most likely not.
chukchuck, Lunick and/or MrSnowGloble edits your post to say boop anytime you talk about boob server.
i was to lazy to read it all
Wow dude, slow boop for you. Your to boopin' lazy to read a text only forums. Do you also wear rose-tented gl donkey es while reading?
Guys I took my test tonight and aced it.. Thanks for letting me study without being distracted. You can put the server back up now.
lol I would die of laughter if the server magically came back up right now. xD
lol whats ur problem i had to go to a 2 and a half hour basketball practice in like 20 min and i was tired
On that day I just got back from running errands and logged in second,bam,failed. Was on a roll making stuff oh well.
oops... wrong post... :P
Nope the server isnt working yet.
When the server is functional. Sadly I still have no updates to share on the matter :(
While the server is down why not tryout the new update of 1.5 in single player mode. Then when the server back up and running we can revert back to 1.4.7 again. Of course if the server been updated to 1.5. then we will all be force to revert back to 1.5 to say the lest.
Thats what i've been doing grime. Building my next epic project that i'll be building somehwere in my city. No clues for tthose that have seen my city as i want this project to be a revealed only when the server is up and the build is finished.
@Grime yup 1.5 is cool
Pretty sure Snow has a copy of the server software on his computer. I bet he's working on updating/whatever right now :P
He is making a Statue of me! (/.\) jk lol he is probaley even adding the science portals
I bet this is how the server was before it hit the monday mark...
P.S. I'm sure we'll hit the weekend mark soon
The weekend! A lot of players are going to try and log in to play, only to find out that the server is down. Then they will all come over here to ask about it.
Ladies and gentlemen, have your keyboard ready, on the mark...
Perhaps next time you should send a message instead of spamming up a forum topic with your annoying text WRN that has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.
Sorry for the delay guys.
After ~2 days of downtime I have recieved 2 replies from the hosting companies sophisticated 24/7 support team.
First reply was from a billing manager lady saying she rebooted the server - lulwat? - which didn't work.
Second reply was from a tech saying you can't reply to support tickets via email, you must log in and reply in the client area.
So this is what we a dealing with atm and it seems highly likely we will be moving to a better hosting company the way this is going.
Thanks for your patience.
Thanks for the extra info H4X :)
First reply was from a billing manager lady saying she rebooted the server - lulwat? - which didn't work.
At least she tried.
Second reply was from a tech saying you can't reply to support tickets via email, you must log in and reply in the client area.
Hurr, isn't tech support the bestest?
Thanks for the update H4X. Hopefully our (possible) future server will be a bit less laggy when we spam it with users.
Aww damn gotta hate em stupid monkeys = /
So I assume their is a recent world back up? I'm too lazy to start over.
well the news gives me more hope
So! It true then. The server is own and run by a bunch of monkeys.
This just in. The server is down because a network cable has come loose. Was told the wire is yellow.
Is World of Minecraft Realms still existent?
Well, at least now we know the wire is yellow. Our possibilities are narrowed down into the quadruple digits!
boop boop beep beep boop boop bip bap boop boop BOOP!
Now ssfdre...
[18:06:22] <Dan> well i might just do a 1.5 server for a bit
[18:06:26] <Dan> well a public one
[18:06:47] <MrSnowGlobe> dont be advertising on World of Minecraft now
[18:06:51] <MrSnowGlobe> or i swear to god
[18:06:58] * MrSnowGlobe shakes fist
No offence but Lunick has already said:
ssfdre38 refrain from talking about your server on World of Minecraft topics thanks.
In this post.
Man I don't know if this is offtopic or not but all this talk about monkeys and yellow wire makes me want to buy a few bundles of bananas. Da potassium
I hope that everything goes well
I love MrSnowGlobe
We all do, Lunick.
We all do.
If H4X decides he wants to move to a non-monkey host, would realms be hosted on there too? Or am I just making another annoying, redundant post?
JunkWorld cant log in, say hi, go afk and log out. :(
Y U always AFK?! .___.
If H4X decides he wants to move to a non-monkey host, would realms be hosted on there too? Or am I just making another annoying, redundant post?
Realms isn't coming back, face the facts.
Any updates on that?
No Update sadly. Server Monkeys are still struggling to find the reset button.
stupid monkeys
Tell them to use the /reload cmd i would laugh so hard if it worked :3
it can be a kernel crash
You see, it hard for them to see a gray button on a gray panel with a almost light gray text near the button amongst many other buttons, that are also, gray.
It would clearly be easier to search through the yellow wires.
meeper sad *sob* oh well single player here I come
On the bright side, it is allowing me time to test the new features of 1.5. Of course, 1.5.1 is already coming. -_-
They better not release a 1.5.1 OptiFine or else...
Or else what prod?
im going to break my minecraft. lol
i didnt know this would take so long hopefully the monkeys fix it soon bc ive made some cool new redstone machines that i wanna make on World of Minecraft pvp and smp :)
Same here Ghost. on single player made an awesome Area 51q type area i wish to build. Getting lonely on single player. lol
i made a space ship and a military with alot of redstone activated stuff. Also made a adventure map took me a week to build it with help of 20 friends, me and 4 of my friends tested it and it turned out to actually be pretty good
*got this game to play with people* *plays with himself, single player mode* been doing this for sometime now I gotten to learn a few things = D, pretty lonely with all them bananas I bought making cereal and bananas for awhile now
Thanks Issac but I have a stable OptiFine version (after some bad mistakes) and I shall build some auto redstone machine soon. Well figure one to enchance harvesting sugar cane. xP
and let there be 100 post and it was good
Wow I should of posted again .__)
Members and rate of people online will be decreased after the server comes back on I wish this wouldnt take so long, its already been a week if not more?
i feel bad for the users of the other server now. Imagine them, their server always being rebooted and they trying to get on not knowing what the problem is. bunch of monkey's indeed.
its not just one server host hosting every single minecraft server
If it was just one all-powerful hosting company, prices would skyrocket, and quality would diminish.
Its only been 4 - 5 days. There isnt much we can do until the monkeys stop being stupid.
A banana slap outta help
i agree with Prodigy...
*gets out slapping banana*
not an idiot SS, i know there is more than one server hosting companyin the entire freaking world. You don't have to try to one up everyone everytime you post something. was just saying whomever the users of the other server are, be it minecraft, a tax website or someones personal blog, feel sorry for them having to deal with these idiots rebooting their maybe working and up server trying to fix WOMs server
I want to be comment 115 >:D
or it can just be local to the server that World of Minecraft SMP and PVP is at and it can be the kernel
What ever it is they apperently can't fix... They probaley have never encounter this problem or they are just acting stupid and taking along time on purpose.
the Russians are taking over World of Minecraft why :(
and the russians there are only two me and vodka and vodka named himself that because we watched a funny russian parody, I will make a new forum topic for this
Well I have stuff to do still so Im ok with the delay I finally know what outside is
Oh sorry took #115
Noooo .__________.
how about we stop talking about it and just let snow or H4X post updates
Damn those monkeys are idiots. I wonder what the owners of that other server will think...
was really hoping that the server would be back up
Yeah, I was hoping it had come back up, first night I have been back home in a bit...
Might as well pass the time right so here listen to this
listened to this probably 15 times already :P -Enjoy
guys there is nothing you can do and posting on here asking if its up, does not make it online. so wait and dont post.
(server adminstrator over here)
Says who dan? Who died and made you the rule maker of the forums? From my understanding you aren't in ANY position to be telling people what to do or what not to do and when to post and when not to post. I also see the server administrator you wrote there, and hope you aren't trying to make people think you are one on World of Minecraft, as you aren't anything other than a regular member, and that includes on the forum. I don't see any other reason for it to be in your post...
To anyone reading this, this thread isn't locked, so guess what that means? You can post any questions or comments you want on here to try to figure things out.
(World of Minecraft SMP Moderator)
I know how to get the server back up.
Obama Power! XD
I'm posting here and I KNOW the server is still down. You know why. Becasue i can.
lmfao Liquid
Guys leave Ssfrde alone, he's just being unecessarily annoying and well...
Actually yeah put the beat on Ssfrde.
this topic has kinda took a left hand turn and now its just a bunch of people asking when it will be on or other items, H4X posted the latest info and that is what i get annoyed at and Wolf your powers only go under SMP/PVP not the forums.
Actually SMP Staff automaticaly get forum powers (:
ok H4X now im really wondering if there are monkies there or just binder support
Space monkies
WOO! We will get to play soon >:D
Will you be getting any type of discount H4X? Gezz rebooting someone elses stuff and that "someone" didn't complain at all? -10 on customer service
SMP staff get forum powers? With the amount that the ask me to do stuff I doubt this.
I think that all the people who never go on the forums and just see that the server is down are going to leave after a few days of waiting.
If this is the quality of their support, I don't understand how they keep clients.
Binder Customer Support
Just think of it this way, see how many people posted on this topic right? That means longs if we have everyone still in the community, we technicly are still here as in, we still can chat to each other and at least we know how many people cares for the community :)
It is mostly the same people posting on this forum.
I am sure most of our players have enough brain cells to figure out that visiting our website is a good idea
If not, well too bad for them
xD niels
We got mission.... Heres the Mission...
Mission 1: go to the Host computer lab.
Mission 2: find the Monkeys that are on the computer.
Mission 3: Call Animal catcher.
Mission 4: kill monkeys.
Mission 5: fix the host server.
Mission 6: Say "Challenge accepted".
Now your finished! Print this list and go somewhere...
Good plan except for one thing. If we are calling an animal catcher, why are we killing the monkeys?
One thing, who is going to do that...
im still waiting for H4X to post the server hosting name so we can call
Liquid we call animal catchers so we can get tranquilizer darts then we kill the monkeys while they are passed out :3
Animal abuser's BAD bwinb!
This is getting ridiculus. I fear this server is losing some players because of this incident. Its been more than 8, 9 days now. wtf is wrong with the hosting? Why not just get another host?
Im pretty sure H4X said something about moving hosts... And yes I think this has tooken along time aswell.
that was World of Minecraft Reamls
No go back and read the comments
I'm locking this.
You guys are just going over the same old things. We've reached a decision and will hopefully revealed tonight.
WoM Coins: 217
Are you going to open up maybe a 1 GB temp SMP server until you get it fixed? 6/8 of the World of Minecraft love comes from the community.