The Mob Arena has been revamped by chris10100 and H4X.
- The arena has been better designed for spectators, laggy players and more mobs!
- The spectator area now has live stats for the current battle round.
- We now have a full Mob Arena Leaderboard right here on the site.
In other news, Colosseum PvP Arena has been completed. More on that tomorrow.
I spy a H4X and awsome_dwarf. :3
im so sorry i greifed im only yong plz plz can i come back on its the only sever i know plz if you dont unban me i know but still im sorry
M_Long, You need to post a banned appeal thread and wait for Staffs approval or if they deny your appeal.
How do I do that ????
im a noob at this and i don't know how to do it so can u tell me plz (im sorry to wast ur time i only go on minecraft on the weekends)
Is this what is causing all the lag in smp?
I only lag when I'm in the mob arena and there is a lot of mobs but when I'm outside the arena in a different place i get no lag.
im glad that this server has an epic mob arena to mess around in
what is the ip
looks cool
to get on server
WoM Coins: 5305
The Mob arena is the best! Guessing this is what wave #11 would be like!