Can you please (H4X) Whitelist my account RadicalCraft125 I accedently did radicalcraft123 if you can please whitelist it on all the World of Minecraft servers you can just remove radicalcraft123.
Only H4X has access to that.
Fairly sure Jak that I also told you MrSnowGlobe can do it too.
He also said that he fixed this up.
What i'll do is whitelist you on the server and get h4x to make the fix on your website account at a later date (:
Oh my god thank you
YOu have been whitelisted (:
yay thank you!!! <3
I put in dadles instead of dadles09 (which is my minecraft username) and I would appreciate it if someone could fix my mistake and change my whitelist to dadles09
If you make another account on this website using a different email address, it will let you whitelist another name. Then you can just use that account instead of this one. Probably easier then waiting for an admin to get on and whitelist you.
dadles and radical have been fixed.
WoM Coins: 2369
Fairly sure any admin can do it. Not just H4X