There is Hope!
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Sorry if this counts as like a double thread.. 
But I posted earlier.
If you have not seen it, please go read it.

If you have, I have semi-good news. ;)
I Have purchased a IRC client on my Iphone, so i'll be able to stay on the IRC. ;)
Since its an Iphone, me being able to access World of Minecraft's site, is simple, so thats 2/3.
I still will not be able to access the actual game, that frequently.  But I have a thumb drive, loaded up with World of Minecraft's client. :)  So if there's ever a computer, you bet i'll be on it.

So basically, Disregard my previous thread.  Here is the New Verdict:
I'll be online, just not as frequently. :)  Yayy i'm happy. :)

thanks IP, for telling me about PA's and such, I loaded up my pendrive with Pidgin, and it works great too. :P

Sincerely, Scott.