/tp xephoth worldofminecraft.com/forum
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Hey everyone, xephoth here. I recently stumbled upon World of Minecraft while looking for a decent tutorial on editing Minecraft's skybox only to find that Minecraft doesn't use one. After the disappointment passed I figured I would sign up because why the hell not?

Anyhow, I've been playing Minecraft for a little over six months now. I don't remember what version the game was in when I bought it, but I think it was... 1.3? 1.4? One of the two. But yeah, it's been pretty fun insofar. I love the creativity of the game and the community on a whole, so I think we'll get along well. I've recently begun delving into creating texture packs and such, so you might see something by me in the near future, and since I'm a notorious perfectionist, it's bound to be good. ;D

Oh yeah, and I'm also a web designer. I would love to launch a Minecraft-related site at some point, but it's a bit saturated at the moment, so I don't particularly see a point. Ah well.

That being said, I'm going to go wreak havoc now. See y'all around.