I have 3 posts on this because I want as much coverage as I can get. I want pvp, and so do a lot of others. Snow, I'm sorry, but we need this server. I don't agree with your reasoning and I think it should stay. Me, Koleykole28, SilverBeauty, arrowthefighter, boller15, liquidlightning, and a lot more others play on pvp and like the server! PurpleParalyzer slid away from the server as he was the only one who ever played on pvp. After he left the server I started playing on pvp, and I took a bit of a croud over with me. All I want is this old server to be saved. It was one of the original World of Minecraft servers, and as times the most populated server. I think we all have good memories on pvp, and I want it saved! Save pvp!!!
I misspelled crowd, as I was in a hurry.
You're taking place in this, so of course! Save pvp!
This is why H4X or Snow added the "Edit" option at the bottem of your comment,
Yes I know, I didn't realize it until I posted.
WoM Coins: 508
:D I was mentioned