Uhhh. I hope your signature isn't the answer to your question. It seems there have been a few bans recently of people without reason. No idea if that's the case or if you did something wrong. Have to wait for an admin, or the person who banned you.
WoM Manager
WoM Member: 147545 WoM Coins: 3691
Its an issue with one of our plugins, will be fixed very soon!
WoM Founder
WoM Member: 3 WoM Coins: 6963
I jumped on and sorted the issue. There we're quite a few people banned from this issue which has been reversed.
WoM Coins: 3343
Uhhh. I hope your signature isn't the answer to your question. It seems there have been a few bans recently of people without reason. No idea if that's the case or if you did something wrong. Have to wait for an admin, or the person who banned you.