I am going to try to make a funny video about World of Minecraft.
I need skins though, especially from admins cause thats what the video is about...
Please send me a link to the skin, and if you want your skin send it to me and I might put it in :) Admins,
I understand if you dont want your skin file going around but please consider sending it to me.
ok :D
Hey, I wil also need a good singer....
If anyone can sing ad is willing to send me a track of the lyrics I give them just post it here..
I'm the animator... just leave me out. :P
No permission D:
(I would love if you put me in it, not my skin)
What do you mean no permission smarty?
I couldnt access it could you Stormy?
Edit: Lunicks skin? Nope, but i just went to minershoes and got it. Thanks Lunick!
you tell me what are you doing it for?
EDIT: What are you using MY skin for?
You have my permission to use my skin. Can not wait to see how the video turns out.
We would like youto be the singer, it does not have to be your skin, but if you are willing, we would like you to sing.
we have Lunick,
MrSnowGlobe and Ryanknack, maybe H4X too, all these would be appreciated... This is kinda a trial run video... If he audience likes it we might do more :)
Still looking for a good singer....
I can sing... I can give you a skin, might not be the best tho.
P.S I am a really good singer. I know StarShips and Firework off-by-heart
I will tell mgsly to pm you everything, and then I will animate!
Yes you can have my skin!
I know someone that can get anyone's skin fast xD
I know someone that can get anyone's skin fast xD
I already gave them a link to do it fast :P
Snow is in :D
Simply go to minersneedcoolshoes.com or skinned for skins... I just read title :P
WoM Coins: 1714
I will absolutely kill you if you use my skin. Just saying :D