Yen's Cage!
I Found a secrety secret way into Yen's cage!
But Now I'm stuck :P
(/spawn works)
I have a potato.
Mgs has a potato! He stole dat potato from meh! Tackle him!
*tackles mgslymen99**
*tackles mgslymen99**
Yenwood fixed the hole in his cage! He strangled me when I jumped into it before he completely sealed the opening.
It's called Yen's Cage, not everyone's cage.
Quote:It's called Yen's Cage,
It's called Yen's Cage, not everyone's cage.
Well actually its called "Yen von Wood's Cage", but you do have a point there!
But now people won'tbe able to rollplay as Yen Von Wood.
Only Yenwood can role play Yen von Wood.
Quote:Only Yenwood can role
Only Yenwood can role play Yen von Wood.
And only Niels can roleplay the great wizard Nolz
*shoots fireballs out of his fist*
WoM Coins: 1714
Well atleast you get to talk to Sir Rockington